General Poetry posted September 26, 2024

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a poem

Coming Home

by Bill Schott

Digging out bodies from rubble,
Beirut brought me close to death;
calling home at three a.m.
I waited with bated breath --
but no one answered.
Reaching home at midday,
locked out of my empty home;
neighbor brought me my son
abandoned and left here alone.
Calling the neighbor to find you,
told that you had two lovers;
being abused seemed to suit you
just wanted to leave me for others. 
Divorced you in absentia,
kept our son you left behind;
dealt with single parenting,
while PTSD rattled my mind.
Now it's forty years later,
our son's kids grown and gone,
I never hear anyone speak of you,
I don't know where you belong. 

Betrayal Poetry Contest contest entry


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