Humor Poetry posted September 24, 2024

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Not the best time of year.

When Spring Comes

by HarryT

In winter’s grip, I shiver and shake.
Pray for spring, a warming break.
But when it arrives, I’m a messy sight,
Pollen swirls about allergies in flight.
Pretty flowers bloom, bees come and sting,
Returning birds sing, but poop as they wing.
Rain pours down, there’s loads of mud,
Sump pump dies and basement floods.
Then comes spring colds and sneezing,
Spring breezes leave me wheezing.
I much prefer the warm days of June,
When Sue and I spoon 'neath a silver moon.

Spring writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about how spring affects you. It can be humorous, inspirational, romantic - whatever you feel as springtime returns.
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