Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted September 15, 2024

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Reunited into a whole ...

Star Souls

by Patrick Bernardy

                          A shifting moon on wavy shores—
                          lagoon of stars, of love and skin.
                          Their movements that the sand adores
                          performed together for their need.
                          A joining that is primed and wet—
                          as sov’reign stars above decreed.
                          At last, two souls that match have met.
                          As passion’s redness streaks the sky,
                          a seedling ruby bleeds within. 
                          While lovers’ rosy hues comply
                          with seaborne shades of blue and green,
                          the sadness and the envy fade
                          in blackness holes as yet unseen.
                          The spectrum rays of love cascade
                          with wreaths of stardust coiled and spun.
                          Platonic forms that once were thin
                          combine to force the split undone.
                          These souls the stars have neatly sewn
                          find lasting joy on golden sands
                          as clinging skin and clutching bone
                          refasten lonely, frightened strands.
TRIPLE SARABAND: The original Saraband was a dance of Asian origin introduced into Spain in the 16th century and later to the courts of France and Italy. The meter follows the dance with two stanzas in strict iambic tetrameter. The first stanza is 3 lines, and the second stanza is 4 lines. This poem features three complete Sarabands.
The rhyme scheme isa(x)a bcbc d(x)d efef g(x)g hihi
The "x' in the rhyme scheme is a refraining rhyme in the second line of each Saraband.

Short and Colorful writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem which incorporates at least two colors. The idea is to use colors to infer meaning. Poem may be rhyming or not.

In Plato's Symposium, Aristophanes the great comedic playwright made a speech. He "warns the group that his panegyric to love may be more absurd than funny. His speech gives an explanation of why people in love say they feel 'whole' when they have found their love-partner. He begins by explaining that people must understand human nature before they can interpret the origins of love and how it affects their own times. This is, he says because in primal times people had doubled bodies, with faces and limbs turned away from one another. As spherical creatures who wheeled around like clowns doing cartwheels (190a), these original people were very powerful. There were three sexes: male, female, and hermaphrodite; they were said to have descended from the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, respectively. These creatures tried to scale the heights of Olympus and planned to set upon the gods (190b) Zeus thought about blasting them with thunderbolts, but, not wanting to deprive himself of their devotions and offerings, so he decided to cripple them by chopping them in half, in effect separating each entity's two bodies. Ever since that time, people run around saying they are looking for their other half because they are really trying to recover their primal nature." --from Wikipedia

I have created this poem to display the moment figuratively when two souls meant to be whole have reunited.
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