General Fiction posted September 12, 2024

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a rhythmn in time

Nature's Heartbeat

by BermyBye50

Sensual Prose Contest Winner 


She glides through the forest, her red dress swaying against the amber canvas of autumn, as soft breezes kiss her cheeks.  Each step crunched a path of crisp fallen leaves, a rhythm in time underfoot - nature’s heartbeat. Above, the wind rustled through the canopy, a gentle sigh whispering secrets of the trees.

She pauses, brushing her fingers against the rough bark of an old oak, tracing patterns on the aged trunks with cold but alive ancient grooves etched into its skin. The autumn air is rich with the earthy scent of pine kissing her skin like a lover’s whisper.

Writing Prompt
In 100 Words or less, describe something using as many of the five senses as possible.

Sensual Prose
Contest Winner
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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