General Script posted September 12, 2024

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much to taste and enjoy

Autumn Gifts

by tempeste

Basket filled, I stretch my aching back and welcome that warm earthy scent.
Near-by, folk music plays as locals flock to the chestnut festival.
Reached the bustling square, I hand over my treasure to the local baker whose face is flushed as he tends to the roasting, crack popping chestnuts.

I silence my growling tummy with a delicious plate of creamy mushroom risotto; then as the sun retreats, to ward off the late afternoon chills, I treat myself to some sweet golden nuggets and a mug of hot spicy red mulled wine garnished with orange slices and a cinnamon stick.

Sensual Prose writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
In 100 Words or less, describe something using as many of the five senses as possible.
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