Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted September 8, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
to the tune of Dixie

The Land of Freedom

by pome lover


I wish I was in the land of freedom

We had laws, and we could read ‘em

But they’re gone, almost gone

We don’t want Fed. control.


In America where we once were free

No government to order me

Break away, break away, break away

from the Fed.


Let’s all protect our freedom! Hooray Hooray

America, we take our stand

To live and die in freedom

We’ll fight! We’ll fight! to live and die in freedom!

We’ll fight! We’ll fight! To live and die in freedom!



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my words to the tune of a wonderful Southern song , Dixie. Dixie Land, or I Wish I Was in Dixie."
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