General Fiction posted September 7, 2024 Chapters:  ...20 21 -22- 23... 

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A chapter in the book Spirited Justice

Spirited Justice Chap 22

by Begin Again

"Beauty, Brawn, or Brains" was a global platform showcasing women's diverse talents, yet murders, accidents, and deceit haunted the pageant worldwide. Was there a common link or merely coincidence?

"Senor Hernandez, it's Dr. Rodriguez. Did I wake you?”

Carlos blinked awake, rubbing his eyes, realizing he’d dozed off in his office chair. “Si, but no worry. Any news on Jose?”

“Yes, I was there earlier but didn’t want to disturb you. The boy is recovering well.”

Carlos exhaled in relief. "Muchas gracias, Miguel. You’ve saved his life.”

“I did my best, but truthfully, your swift actions made the difference. Getting him here in time was critical.”

Carlos chuckled softly, though his voice revealed his weariness. “I’ll remind him of that. Might knock some sense into the boy.”

The doctor’s laughter carried over the line. “Our children often forget the sacrifices we make.”

“More than they should,” Carlos replied, glancing at the clock. He knew it was time to face Jose, but it wouldn’t be easy. “Thank you, Miguel. I’ll check on him shortly.”

“Be patient, my friend. Tomorrow always brings another chance.”

Carlos leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling. “Patience is running thin these days. The boy thinks he’s grown but still has much to learn.”

“Indeed. It is your house, Carlos. He should respect that.”

Carlos nodded, though there was no one to see it. “Perhaps it’s time he remembered what it means to be part of this family. He’s made mistakes. Now, it’s time he faces them.”

“Ahh, the comforts of home sweet home.” Jose stretched and leaned against the rows of plush bed pillows. “How’s your steak and eggs, my friend?”

Alejandro smiled and swallowed his food. “Much better than anything I would have been having for breakfast at my house. You’re so spoiled, Jose.”

“True, you come from a large family. The chickens probably can’t even keep up with the demand.” The two young men laughed as they enjoyed the peaceful morning.

“Man, I swear, you keep bouncing back like a cat with nine lives. Yesterday, I was scared when they carried you in. I’ve known you since we were young, but never have I seen you in such bad shape.”

Jose winced as he tried to use his hand to push himself up. “Pfft, a little near-death experience never hurt anyone.” He grinned. “Besides, can you imagine all the broken hearts if I were to die?”

They shared a laugh; the sound was light and easy despite the severity of what had happened.

Alejandro chuckled. “Yeah, well, it must have been a party, my friend.”

“It’s not even a party unless I am there.” He paused, his expression turning serious with a familiar gleam in his eye. “Remember when we would sit on the riverbank and talk about how one day we would be richer than anyone, beyond our wildest dreams?”

“We were kids. How did we know life expected us to work for a living?”

“I found the secret, Alejandro. You and I are going to own the world.”

“Did you strike it rich in one of those abandoned gold mines? Maybe find a nugget or two?”

“Much better than gold, my friend. Toss me my jeans.”

Alejandro made a face. “Those things are caked with blood. What do you want with them?”

“Just give them to me, and you will see.”

Alejandro pushed his plate away and retrieved the jeans, handling them with two fingers. Jose laughed and reached into the pocket, coming out with a key. “This is our future. It will unlock billions. And it will all be ours.”

His friend teased, “A key to a treasure chest? Are we going to be pirates on the high seas?”

“We can be whatever we want once we have what’s in the box this key unlocks.”

“Tell me more.” Alejandro pulled his chair closer to the bed. “I’m not going to have to break into a house or something, am I?”

“Much easier than that." Jose glanced at Alejandro with a gleam in his eyes. “It’s for a safe deposit box in the States. You will walk into the bank, open the box, and walk away.”

Alejandro eyed the key, his brow furrowed. “And what’s inside?”

Jose grinned. “Our future. Papers that’ll make us richer than anyone could imagine.”

“Papers? And how exactly am I supposed to get them? They’re not just going to hand them over to anyone.”

“You’ll need to impersonate Arthur Beckett. Do you remember the guy? Beckett and his lawyer friend came down and partied with us for a week until things went south.”

A serious look crossed Alejandro’s face before he chuckled, shaking his head. “Impersonate Beckett? Man, you are pushing your luck.”

Jose smirked. “Luck’s gotten us this far, hasn’t it? Besides, you get those papers, and we’re set for life. I’m telling you that once you walk into that bank, you’ll feel the power and thrill of knowing you’ve got the world in your hands. Trust me, it’s going to be easy.”

Alejandro frowned slightly but couldn’t hide the excitement. “And you’re sure this is safe? What if something goes wrong?”

Jose chuckled, shaking his head. “Don’t you trust me? Have I ever let you down?”

Before Alejandro could answer, Jose tossed the key onto the bed, watching it land between the pillows. “All you need is this. Everything else will fall into place.”

Outside the door, Carlos pressed his ear closer, his heart pounding in his chest. His son’s reckless laughter grated on him, each word tightening around the knot of anger and disappointment in his stomach. He wanted to burst into the room, to confront them both — but he knew that wouldn’t fix this. No, this time, he had to act differently. Jose needed to learn a lesson.

Reaching into his pocket, he dialed a number. When he heard “Hello,” he snapped, “Alejandro will go to the States. I want him tailed, and don’t lose him. Understand — this is very important to me. I will give you further details soon.”

The afternoon sun washed across the sprawling fields, casting a warm golden glow as three magnificent horses grazed peacefully beneath the outstretched branches of a tall oak tree. Nearby, the soft breeze carried the aroma of grilling steaks. Laughter echoed from a small group of men, their faces relaxed and spirits light, a welcome contrast to the otherwise hectic rhythm of their lives.

A short distance away, Garth leaned against a weathered fence post, his sanctuary from the chaos. Here, he could feel Allie’s presence. Her spirit danced in the sunlight, her laughter a gentle breeze. He could close his eyes and, for a fleeting moment, feel her standing beside him, her hand on his arm, offering the tranquility he craved.

Closer to the barn, Eleanor and Danni sat together on a stack of hay, deep in conversation, enjoying the quiet. They had sought the shade of an old apple tree, its gnarled branches heavy with green leaves. The air smelled faintly of ripe apples, and the world slowed down. The tree, the breeze, the scent of apples — all of it — seemed to be in harmony, a rare stillness that brought comfort, even amid the lingering shadows of their world.

Donatelli approached, walking down the long, dusty gravel road. His city shoes kicked up small clouds of dirt with every step, and he wiped the sweat from his brow, clearly unaccustomed to the rhythm of country life. Though foreign to him, the landscape held a charm he couldn’t quite place. The quiet, the absence of honking cars and bustling streets, the simplicity of life here felt so different from the city he was used to. As he neared the gathering, he couldn’t help but feel out of place, yet intrigued by this simpler, quieter world — a place to lay the past to rest.

Wisps of Eleanor’s silvery hair fluttered in the wind as she took in the peaceful scene surrounding her. On the other hand, Danni fidgeted with a piece of hay, unsure how her ghostly mentor might receive her recent actions.

Pride gleamed from Eleanor’s gentle eyes. “You did well today, Danni.”

Taken by surprise, Danni took a bite of an apple before responding, using the time to calm herself. “I know I screwed up big time, but when I found that birth certificate —”

Eleanor chuckled. “You took the bull by the horns. I know — I saw how you surprised Matthew.”

The younger woman’s expression lightened, and a flicker of relief crossed her face. “I wasn’t sure how he’d take it, but I couldn’t sit there and do nothing.”

Eleanor playfully clapped her hands together. “That’s the spirit! Follow your instincts and consider the consequences later.” Mischief danced in her eyes. But —” The older woman’s tone softened. “You broke one of the biggest rules. Revealing yourself to the living without being given the opportunity is a serious matter. There may be consequences — ones even Matthew can’t protect you from.”

“I didn’t do it for the glory! We had nothing to leverage Johan with, and I saw the certificate as our chance. What was I supposed to do?”

“You did what you felt was right, and I respect that. Honestly, it reminded me of myself when I first started as a ghost detective.” Eleanor laughed. “I wasn’t exactly a rule-follower, either.”

“And you are now?” Danni couldn’t contain her laughter, regardless of how serious her situation might be.

Eleanor grinned. “I may bend a few rules now and then.”

Danni stared across the pasture for a moment before returning to the conversation. “You said there will be consequences. Do you think this will end my career with Donatelli?” She stopped and then turned to Eleanor with a sense of urgency, “When I sat down at that table, questioning Johan, I felt like a living, breathing detective.” She dropped her gaze from Eleanor. “I pushed it too far, didn’t I?”

“You walked a fine line, Danni. There are always risks when we bend the rules that far. But you also uncovered a crucial puzzle piece — Johan’s birth certificate changes everything.” She paused before adding, “I’m proud of you for taking that step, for trusting your instincts. Just don’t be surprised if there’s a price to pay for stepping outside the boundary.”

“I don’t regret it. Not for a second. But I hope it doesn’t cost me my place here.”

Eleanor smiled her grandmotherly smile, offering reassurance. “I don’t think it will. If anything, the powers that be might see your potential. Just be ready for whatever comes next.” Eleanor reached out to the young woman, her words a comforting embrace. “It’ll be okay, Danni. I’ll be right by your side to set them straight.”

As the two women laughed and relaxed, Donatelli joined Garth near the pasture fence, carrying his version of an olive branch — a twelve-pack of cold beer.

A knowing look appeared on Eleanor’s face as she watched them. “Men. Always takes a steak fry and a beer to work things out.”

Danni laughed softly as her nerves settled. “You think they’ll make peace or blow this whole thing up?”

Eleanor raised an eyebrow and watched the men. “Hard to say. Those two have a lot of unresolved pain, but from the look on Donatelli’s face, I’d bet he’s ready to bury the hatchet.”

Danni laughed. “And here I was, hoping to see some fireworks.”

“You might get your wish. Men like those two don’t always resolve things with words alone. But Donatelli — he’s changed. This case — Naomi — has shifted something in him.”

Danni nodded. “I’ve seen it too. Is he in love with her?”

“No, I don’t think so. My guess is that he blames himself for letting his personal feelings, his anger over losing the Beckett case, cloud his instincts. He feels he let her down and might have been what cost her life.”

“Is — is she dead?”

Eleanor shook her head. “She’s receiving the best of care in a safe spot, but Matthew needs to focus on the case, which will help her more than him seeing her.”

Danni nodded. “I understand. Tonight, I hope they make peace.”

Eleanor’s eyes twinkled, and her smile deepened. “They’ll find a way. Just like you and I did. Sometimes, mending fences is less about what you say and more about showing up, even if you don’t have all the answers.”

Danielle "Danni" Delahanty -- Ghost Detective
Eleanor Bennett -- Beloved Ghost Advisor
Matthew Donatelli -- Detective
Jenna Bradford -- Journalist and Pageant Consultant
Naomi Henderson -- Lawyer/ex-lover of Donatelli -
Arthur Beckett - deceased lawyer, friend, and enemy of Naomi
Patti Beckett - ex-wife from a nasty divorce
Hilda - a pageant contestant and medical researcher
Klaus - Hilda's older brother and protector
Johan - a supposed friend of Hilda's family with a connection to Jose
Angelo Carter - a private investigator with a dark side
Carlos Hernandez - a Mexican landowner with power
Jose Hernandez - Carlos's son - a reckless playboy
Alejandro - Jose's childhood friend
Garth Woodman - FBI Agent
Tango and Poppa - FBI agents under Garth
Allie - his love who died of cancer (an investigative reporter)
Dr. Rosa Galotti -- Morgue Medical Examiner
Emily - Jenna's faithful assistant
Lila - a pageant contestant who was murdered for her research
Thomas Whitaker - Lila's father
Sophia - Lila's sister (blind)
Max - Sophia's best friend and guide dog
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