General Fiction posted September 5, 2024 Chapters:  ...38 39 -40- 41... 

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Inside the killers mind.

A chapter in the book Sandra's Lover

Killer Psychology


The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.

This is a serial killer crime thriller. Not for the faint of heart.
He's been doing this for so many years, so carefully that he was getting arrogant about it. His confidence in achieving his 'lovers' and his ability to conceal this part of his lifestyle was, so far, exemplary. No one suspects him. Not one member of his family or community has any idea that he has this other aspect to his life.

He has loved so many women; his temporary relationships fulfilling a deep need inside of him. He splits his life into these pieces to keep those close to him safe. It works well in his mind. He truly feels he is doing this to protect the people he is close to, and he is proud of the way he does it.

The 'freed' women don't even know how much he helps them when he carries them over to the other side. How much love and attention he bestows upon them. He always makes sure that they feel all the pleasure he has to give and in turn receives.

His little treasures that he retains from them, help him to relive and re-love them over and over again. Who doesn't keep memoirs of past loves? Once their souls have been freed to join The Almighty what is left behind is only a casing, those casings are cast-offs and have no value, therefore the discarding of them is inconsequential. He believes his service is for God and that God has anointed his purpose. Everyone has a purpose in life and in some cases even in death. It's a great arrangement he has with Him, a dual purpose, helping God and helping himself.

That is what he has convinced himself of. There is still a part of him that recognizes that there is a down side to his activities, otherwise there would be no secrecy. He has told himself that God sometimes needs his servants to complete these deeds and that they will eventually face persecution. In order to continue in his work, he needs to conceal it until God deems it time to tell the world.

In his daily life he has friends, family and co-workers. He is a successful part of a thriving community. He is loved and he loves in return. In order to live his life, he must separate completely. He is himself most of the time, but on these other occasions, he is 'him'. This helps him compartmentalize his duties and tasks. This way he can function in society as 'normal' and not draw attention. Good thing his job can take him away sometimes. When people start to question his frequency of away time, he pulls back and stays home for longer periods. Once everyone is calm again, he takes another trip away. It can be difficult to wait. But wait he must. It's just that 'he' wants out again and starts to put fantasies inside his mind. He has to curb them. In order to do that, he pulls out his special treasures and allows 'him' to remember all those loving events. Love is the centre of the universe, the centre of it all.

He thinks about the next lover he will need. To the world the women seem random, but that is not the case. He carefully selects them, inspects them, looks at their lives, their daily routines and determines their need for his services. He profiles them and once he selects them, he starts the planning of the capture and 'release'. He creates the profiles similar to one found on a dating site.

He takes photographs of them, downloads them into a file, prints them, then deletes them from his cell phone. He then follows them, without them noticing, and notes down their patterns. Who is involved in their lives and by how much. What is the need? Everyone has one.

So far, he has 'helped' a debt-ridden student, a depresses immigrant, an alcoholic wife, an adulteress, and now a terminally ill teen. All of them needed to seek God and all needed his help. He has so much pride in his work but the only one who knows and the only one he can share it with is God Himself.

Once, and only once, he thought about bringing someone to help. After all, it's a lonely life when you complete the work and there is no one to share it with. Sometimes it would be easier to have an 'apprentice' to help. He was going to meet someone, once. A fledgling killer. He met him, while that person was somewhat in the act. He felt a kinship with this person. But he never approached him, he just watched him. What he saw was an angry killing, brutal and without love. He didn't want that type of person to assist in his work. He needed someone who would love the people they help. No. Anger wasn't going to fit the bill. He needs someone with more peace.

With all of these musings now committed into his secret journal, he closes the book and tucks it away. Locking the door behind him. He takes a moment to realign himself and go and join his family. He tucks 'him' away for another day.

Inside the killers mind - don't get lost.
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