Humor Poetry posted August 31, 2024

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Sonnet for a contest entry

A Shortened Limit of Time

by DragonSkulls

I sought a hardened challenge for mine quill.
Then came to me a prompt to tempt that task.
Whilst time restraints dare mock this poet's skill,
a muse escapes the confines of his flask.
Refusing one's retreat from such a dare,
so valiantly I scribe with purposed stride.
With little, waning hope or time to spare,
I chase in faith the choices I decide.
But minutes keenly fall in quickened pace.
Doth time still jest mine worth in ruse and ploy?
Would Shakespeare bow his head at my disgrace
and curse the empty aim that I employ?
No masterpiece could flourish time's abyss.
Within the hour, mine wasted try was this.

My Favorite Poet writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Compose a poem in the style of your favorite poet, living or deceased. Identify your poet in the Author's notes. Your have the leverage to use more current English, if your poet writes/wrote in the English of his or her time. However, incorporate the general style/format of the poet in your poem.

Word count: 100 to 300 words, title and author's notes not included.

I had less than an hour, from when I first saw this contest, to write a whole sonnet. What can you do? Lol.

I'll always claim Shakespeare as my favorite poet.

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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