General Poetry posted August 30, 2024

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A pastiche of To A Mouse

To an earthworm

by Terry Reilly

Wee, grey, humble, wriggly creature,

you bore through claggy soil intent to meet your

simple needs, in which bugs feature.

Decaying leaves as well.

Your modest aspirations serve to teach your

masters. Can they tell?

You make no claims to be a star.

Content, you value what you are.

You live within your means, so far

from medals made of gold.

You sail your vermal craft, an earthbound tar,

impervious to heat or freezing cold.

But when the coulter flashes, please beware!

The deadly chopping, slicing sharp ploughshare

can with its deadly blade incise and tear,

reducing you to segments decimate.

That insult is much more than you could bear,

so burrow down, hold fast and calmly wait.

The farmer seeks to spare your wrinkled skin.

He values all the hard work you put in,

aerating soil by probing deep within.

You are the unsung hero of his land.

He knows that with your help he’ll win

the prize for growing vegetables so grand.

Industrious annelid take a bow.

You offer so much more than any cow

to loamy, rich and fertile earth – and how!

An understated slippery little thing

your subterranean graft will fain endow

a harvest fit to make the farmer sing.

My Favorite Poet writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Compose a poem in the style of your favorite poet, living or deceased. Identify your poet in the Author's notes. Your have the leverage to use more current English, if your poet writes/wrote in the English of his or her time. However, incorporate the general style/format of the poet in your poem.

Word count: 100 to 300 words, title and author's notes not included.

An unworthy nod to the greatest poet of them all: Robert Burns.
Vermal: relating to a worm.
Tar: sailor.
Coulter: the blade of the plough.
Annelid: the biological classification of worms.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by Susan F. M. T. at

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