General Fiction posted August 26, 2024 Chapters:  ...33 34 -35- 36... 

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Sometimes its not all its cracked up to be

A chapter in the book Sandra's Lover

New connections


Murder Mystery and a clever detective
Numbered companies were the best hiding place. Although the directors and owners' names could be searched, if they were a subsidiary of another conglomerate and registered enough times, they were difficult to uncover.

Cindra was very pleased with herself. She had just spent another successful day with Janice, wife of Manuel. She and Janice were similar in so many ways and as time moved on, more and more so.

When they first met, Cindra didn't want to get to know Janice because of her friendship with Aliss. But it wasn't long before she realized that Janice was going to be an asset.

Janice was changing. Greed and the need for the highest social standing were becoming more important than practically anything else in her life. She found herself arguing with Manuel very frequently about her expenditures. Manual was reaching out to the Conners for more and more loans to keep his wife happy. It was true that his lifestyle was not supported by his income. His only playing card was Mark. He would convince them that he needed extra money to continue his surveillance work for them. It made him take time off of work, and out of the clinic.
It was after the last request for funds that the Conners came up with the idea of the chain of medical clinics. They would start them with Manuel and register them under their holdings company. The company having been registered to another company again and then again.
Manuel saw this as an opportunity to increase his income, to perhaps satisfy his needy wife. It would take time, but he hoped they would turn enough of a profit to satisfy both the Conners and Janice. However, it was like getting into bed with the devil. They would have even more control on his life. But what else could he do? He was obsessed with Janice. Her fiery temper translated to incredible passion both inside and outside the bedroom. She was incredibly beautiful and it was obvious she could garner the attention of any man she wanted. And Manuel would only allow that attention to be on him. Truth be told, he hated the gym. He kept up his body for her. She made him understand that it was a requirement, just like the generous bank account, credit cards and fancy things that she demanded.

The mortgage on their house took most of his income and they lived on credit cards for a lot of their other expenditures. Manuel would cringe when the statements would come in the mail. He would try to curb his wife's spending but it usually ended up in an argument. Most of the time it just wasn't worth the fight. Sometimes, when Janice wanted something very costly, she would give him an unforgettable night, then he would give in. He wished the world didn't have such a hold on him, but he was trapped. Between his wife and his family in Argentina, there was nothing he could do to escape the tangled web of his life.

The Conners, knew all of this. The used it all to keep him under control. There seemed to be no end to the expanse of their wealth and their power. The only thing that mattered to them was their son, and now their grandson.

They lost a lot of the control on Mark when he left home and then graduated medical school. He no longer needed their financial help and now he was quite successful on his own. Mark had used what he learned from his parents' financial acumen and was at first, frugal and smart with his investments. He made good money from the bonds and stocks he did buy. His work as a doctor was more for passion at this point then for the financial gain.

So now the Conners were going to open a chain of medical clinics. Manuel was under the impression that they were only going to be investors, but the truth was they were going to retain the majority of the shares. Through their numbered conglomerate 'Hera Enterprises' they would invest and keep their interest in this and many other companies. What their precious son didn't know, was that Hera Enterprises was the largest financial backer of the hospital he currently worked in. Even if he found out that information, he wouldn't easily be able to trace the company owners back to his parents.

They worked hard at keeping themselves in Marks life, behind the scenes. They knew one day it would be instrumental in their ultimate goal. Having lost their son, they needed a new focus and Aliss provided that focus when she gave birth to their grandson Mac.

Aliss always found Marks parents to be loving and attentive grandparents. They set up a college fund as soon as he was born. The same day, in fact.

Mark would make excuses to keep Aliss and Mac away from his parents, for him it was for good reason. But he never told his wife the whole story of his childhood. He would only say that it wasn't good. Aliss didn't quite understand as they seemed lovely to her. What you don't know will most certainly hurt you, in this case. When she told them about the court case with the disgruntled nanny, Alistair took the paperwork and told Aliss not to worry. Soon enough the entire case was settled and it didn't cost Aliss a cent. The nanny was never heard from again.
Mark, Mac and Aliss were always generously spoiled during holidays and birthdays. Mark would try to admonish his parents but, in front of Aliss they were picture perfect and doting parents and grandparents. This of course would confuse Aliss.

There were times that Mark would speak privately to his parents and that almost always ended in a shortened visit and a quick exit from the estate.

Aliss loved her life, her son and her husband. She had more than she could hope for, except for another child. She tried again and again to convince her husband but he wasn't giving in. At least not at that time. Aliss quit taking her birth control, despite her husband thinking she was still taking them. But Aliss never got pregnant and she was getting concerned that something was wrong. She couldn't see her gynecologist about it, because Mark and the doctor were colleges and she was certain the doctor would confer with her husband. Aliss thought she would have to book an appointment with a doctor out of town. That is exactly what she planned to do.

I try to build relationships that are both complicated and simple at the same time.
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