General Fiction posted August 25, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
A contest entry

At The Mexican Restaurant

by DragonSkulls

I piled my wife and a few friends in the van and
we headed off to our favorite mexican restaurant.
I ordered my usual, shrimp fajitas. Why I have to
tell the waiter to make sure they add tomatoes, like
every single time, I don't have a clue.
I work tomorrow so I needed to be in bed by nine
and it was already seven thirty, plenty of time. For
some reason, having a good time talking and joking
isn't a thing anymore. Everybody had their face in
their phone. I can't lie, I did too.
That's when everything changed. This night simply
had to end quickly. After five minutes of everyone
ordering, I yelled at the waiter, "Is our food anywhere
close to being done yet? It's only seven lousy orders,
come on!"
When it finally arrived, I started stuffing food in my
mouth like a madman. I barked at everyone there,
"Hurry the hell up and eat, you bastards!"
After my fajitas were gone, I took the demanded to-go
boxes and dumped each one of my friend's, still warm,
food into them. "Move it people, we're leaving." I may
have lost friends tonight but I simply didn't care.
I ran lights and sped through the streets like a Hollywood
stunt man to get home. The van tires screeched into the
driveway as I dove out.
It was a half hour after I needed to be in bed but, damn it,
I did manage to enter this contest.

Me, Myself and I Flash Fiction writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a first-person flash fiction story on any subject. Maximum of 250 words.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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