General Fiction posted August 23, 2024 Chapters:  ...32 33 -34- 35... 

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Is everything as it appears?

A chapter in the book Sandra's Lover

A new business venture


This is a Murder Mystery with a deep background - enjoy
"Hey Mark, what about dinner on Wednesday? The wife and I have some news to share." Said Manuel to Mark.

"Uhm Wednesday should work, where are you thinking? Montana's or Revelry?" Mark replied.
"Montana's â€" they have bigger tables. Say 7?"

"I'll have to confirm with Aliss but that should be great. See you then." Mark wondered what the special announcement would be.

Manuel had been Marks' best friend since university. They had many common interests and both were successful physicians. Mark was currently head of emergency medicine at Bozeman Deaconess and Manuel had a private practice, family medicine. They both met their wives on the same night. How similar were the husbands but how different were their wives. Janice loved the finer things, including expensive designer clothes, the best in upscale furnishings and of course cars. She spent fortunes on beauty products and even dabbled a little in cosmetic surgery. Her wedding ring had been replaced several times with bigger and more diamonds. She could be found in a spa or salon at least twice a week. She had a personal trainer and the latest in sports equipment inside their expansive home. Mark puzzled a little at the extravagance considering that family physicians didn't make as much as their lifestyle seemed to support. But whatever, it wasn't Marks biggest concern. Mark did wish that Aliss enjoyed some of the finer things but she was simpler, Magicuts was good enough for her. The treadmill and walks in the community were her exercise and she was able to maintain her figure, however it remained around 30 lbs over the ideal. She had a 10-year-old car and refused to replace it saying, 'it works just fine, don't waste your money'. Only when Mark 'surprised' her with gifts did she replace anything. She still had her simple wedding band and rarely wore the pretty diamond engagement ring Mark presented to her on their engagement. She didn't want to ruin it or loose it so she kept it in her jewelry box for safe keeping, only taking out on special occasions. She would say, 'my life is rich with the love of friends and family, that is all I need'. Mark loved his wife in a comfortable reliable way. He gave up on a passionate love when his heart was broken by a red-headed beauty of his past.

That Wednesday the 5 of them took a seat and ordered food and drinks. Mac of course came along to dinner. After a few minutes Aliss was too excited to find out what the big news was.
"Ok that's enough, tell us what the big news is!" Said Aliss with excitement.

"I'll let Manuel tell you." said Janice. She was beautifully and tastefully dressed with simple but expensive jewelry on. She was lightly tanned and her skin was a perfect peach without a mark or line in sight. Aliss on the other hand was simply dressed and wore only her plain gold wedding band around her finger. Mark was more like Janice and Manuel mirrored Aliss. Funny how life can put people together like that.

"Well, I am opening a chain of medical clinics. And I want you to be a part of it." Said Manuel with a smile on his face.

Aliss could see something wasn't quite right with his smile. It seemed a little forced and not as natural as usual. She shrugged it off as nerves.

"What?" Said Mark with genuine shock, "I didn't know you were doing that well. How did this happen?"

Janice piped in, "He has a wealthy backer who is going to put up the money for the first few clinics. When they start to generate a return, then they get paid back and voila! We are on our own! Isn't that great? Arellano Medical Clinics! The first two will be here in Bozeman!"

"Really? Wow Manuel that's incredible. Who are these investors? Anyone I would know?" Mark asked.

"Nah, just rich patients who wanted to help." Manual brushed off the question as quickly as he could and then turned to give attention to Mac, his godson, for a moment, using the distraction to change the subject.

To Aliss everything seemed just a little off, she couldn't put her finger on it, but it was like they all had a secret together and she was the only one not in on it. It was almost like this dinner was planned to finally let her know the secret. Perhaps this has something to do with the desk in the basement? Maybe? Or maybe she was just grasping at straws.

The rest of the night they talked about the logistics of the clinics. No one pushed further on the 'wealthy backer' that Manuel mentioned. It's a good thing, because Mark wouldn't like who they were.

Manuel asked Mark to help with the treatment rooms, as a consultant to make sure they would all be set up with the best and the latest equipment that money could buy. They would be mini emergency rooms. Mark would be compensated and was offered management of the Bozeman clinics, to which he declined. It was his turn for news. He shared that he was going to study some more and wanted to be the county coroner at the end. Everyone, of course was supportive. Mark still thought he could help with the clinics on a part time basis, but as they were still in construction, there was plenty of time.

Janice had news as well, she had finally decided to join the mom group. She wasn't going to have a baby but she had found the perfect surrogate and they were working on baby number one. Janice was capable of bearing a child but didn't want to risk ruining her figure so she decided to use a surrogate. It would be their genetic child but it would be grown in a rented womb, her words of course. Aliss was supportive and excited to become an aunt. It would never cross her mind to think less of her best friend for the choices she would make.

At the end of the evening, Aliss spent some time thinking about what was shared. She couldn't shake the feeling deep inside that things just weren't like they appeared to be.

An attempt at writing that I find I am enjoying!
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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