Romance Fiction posted August 18, 2024 Chapters:  ...29 30 -31- 32... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
A new problem to deal with.

A chapter in the book Willing Hearts

Chapter 17 A

by barbara.wilkey

Can Noah rescue Myra, shut down the human trafficking ring, keep Sami safe, all while protecting his heart? Or did the love of his life appear in front of him.
Noah and Sami met 22 days ago.


"Of course not. You're always welcome. Are you going to do the pregnancy test in the morning?"

Sarah nodded. "Probably when you're out with Jasper. Maybe while you make breakfast." She studied Sami. "What's wrong? Is Noah upset over something?"

"Noah's fine."

"What's going on? Something's up."

"Noah kissed me, twice."

"Is it a bad thing?"

"No, but..."

"But what?" interrupted Sarah. "It looks like you enjoyed it."

"I did, but now what?"

"We hurry and get Chen arrested so you two can have a real date. I already hear wedding bells."

"I can't see Noah married with kids and a white picket fence."

Sarah smiled. "Neither could I until he met you."

After Noah and Jasper returned, he knocked on Sami's door. When she answered, he asked, "Is everything all right?"

"Yes. Thank you for taking care of Jasper."

"Not a problem. Be ready for a run in the morning. Goodnight."

"I will. Goodnight."


Chapter 17 A

The sun peeked over the horizon Monday morning, as Sami prepared for a run. She opened her bedroom door and there Noah stood in the living room, drinking a bottle of water. He grinned when he saw her. "Ready?"

"I am and so is Jasper."

"Good." After they were outside and warming up, Noah asked, "Is everything okay with Sarah?"

"She's taking the test this morning. We should know something later."

They ran a few yards, before Noah asked, "So you and the prince never did it?" When Sami stopped in her tracks and stared at him, as he said, "Keep running."

"No, we've never done 'it'." She used her fingers to highlight 'it'. "I told you we're just friends." She ran faster to catch up. "It's none of your business, but the only man I've had sex with was Marc and I regret that."


"Why'd we have sex or why do I regret it?"

"Why do you regret it?"

"I thought we were right for each other and would get married after I graduated. I discovered later I didn't really love him. There's a difference between being in love and the idea of being in love. I won't make that mistake again. I won't have sex unless that man puts a ring on my finger."

"Makes sense." Noah hesitated. "I've already been told it's none of my business, but was there chemistry between you and Marc?"

"I'm surprised you're asking these questions."


"I don't mind, just surprised. No, there wasn't any chemistry." Sami glanced at Noah, and then looked away. "Last night you kissed me twice."

"I did." He swallowed. "Somehow it seemed right."

"It was right." She reached over and briefly touched his arm. "In case you're wondering, each time we've kissed there's been chemistry. At least on my side."

"Mine too. Why do you think I suggested we go inside?" He studied her as they ran. "Kissing isn't allowed."

"I know, but..."

"No but," interrupted Noah chuckling. "You don't get to reinvent this rule."

"I'm not the one who broke it."

"True, you're a bad influence."

"Let me get this straight, I'm frustrating, feisty, impossible, a rule breaker, obstinate, and her highness. Now I can add a bad influence. This list keeps growing."

"Don't forget impetuous."

"Grrr." Sami thought for a moment. "Don't think just because the list grows, I'm going to change."

"I don't expect you too, nor would I want that. Like I've said before, I'm obviously attracted to those qualities in a certain woman."

"Would that certain woman be me?"

Noah shook his head. "Who else would it be?"

After breakfast, Sami and Sarah went into Sami's bedroom. Sarah asked, "Would you check the pregnancy test? It's on the bathroom counter."

"Don't you want to see it first?"

"Not this time. I'm scared."

Sami stood in front of Sarah and held both her hands. "You need to trust Bob's love for you. He'll be happy."

Tears ran down Sarah's cheeks. "Please check it."

Nodding, Sami went into the bathroom. She returned and stood in front of Sarah. "Ready for the results?" After Sarah nodded, Sami held out the test.

Sarah studied it. "I'm pregnant." She dried her eyes. "I need to tell Bob." Her eyes met Sami's as she asked, "Any idea where we can have a private conversation?"

"Part way around the pond are some rocks large enough to sit on or in the security cabin. Noah and I've used them both." As Sarah opened the door, Sami said, "Good luck."

Sarah stood in her and Bob's bedroom doorway. "Bob, we need to talk privately. Let's go for a walk." She held out her hand for him and nodded toward Noah.

Noah watched them leave and then faced Sami.

She nodded. "It's positive."

Exhaling, Noah added, "Now we wait."

A little later, Jose came inside. "Noah, I need you to check something on the security camera. There's movement."

Noah set down his file and stood. "I need to bring Sami. Nobody else is in the house."

"Bob and Sarah have been gone a while. It must be serious. Is there a problem?"

"I hope not." Noah knocked on Sami's door.

When she opened it, she said, "Sarah?" Her eyes met Noah's. "You're not Sarah."

Grinning, Noah said, "I'm glad you noticed." After she sighed, he continued, "Jose needs to show me something. I need you to tag along."

As they headed toward the door, Jasper rushed by, sat, and wagged his tail.

Noah petted the large dog's head. "Yes, you can come too."

"You're spoiling my dog."

Putting his hand on the small of her back, he said, "Just come on."

Inside the cabin, Sami and Jasper stood off to the side as Jose explained the images, he'd received from the security drones flying overhead.

"Can you enlarge the photos? We need to see who we're dealing with?"

Jose played around with them. "This is as large as I can get. I doubt it has anything to do with Chen but looks like they're armed."

"At least a dozen, maybe more." Noah leaned closer to the screen. "I'm guessing they're illegal aliens coming from Eagle Pass. My intel says there are more than a thousand a day crossing there. No clue how many got-a-ways."

Taking his phone, Noah made a call. When he finished, he said, "Keep an eye on the direction they're heading. We'll have helicopter support and boots-on-the-ground, but they'll need time to get here and in place."

Scanning the area, Jose asked, "We going into complete lock down?"

"Not yet, but we'll need to be ready." Noah motioned towards the house. "Let's go inside." Noah petted Jasper. "Come on, buddy. Let's go." He held the door for Sami. "Your eyes are telling me something's bothering you. What's going on?"

"It's nothing. I know you're busy. It can wait."

He touched her arm. "I have time right now. I might not later."

Sami swallowed. "Do those drones capture everything?" After Noah nodded, she petted Jasper. "So, when I asked you to kiss me the other night, there's an image of it? Jose saw it?"

Noah's eyebrows rose. "Probably. When something doesn't affect security, it's deleted. Our kisses are only important to us."

"I've heard nothing is ever completely deleted."

"True, but somebody would have to know we kissed and want to search for it. I doubt anybody would."

"I guess that's true. Jose told me he's not a stickler for rules."

Noah chuckled. "That's true, but not as bad as you," he teased. His head turned as Bob and Sarah walked in. "Everything all right?"

"We'll talk later," answered Bob. "We saw Jose going to secure the garage. He filled us in."

"Good. Sarah, if we need to, I'll want you and Sami to stay in the bedroom. If I give the order, you'll both lock yourselves in the walk-in closet. You'll be safe there."

"Noah, if there are at least a dozen men, you'll need my gun."

"You can bring it with you, but you're not going to be on the front line. My job is to protect my team and Sami. That includes unborn team members. This is non-negotiable."

Bob patted Noah's shoulder. "Thank you." He continued into the bedroom.

"Noah?" Sarah's eyes pleaded with him.

His jaw set, and he crossed his arms over his muscular chest. "You know me well enough to know you're not winning this."

Sami watched Sarah storm into her room. She walked up to Noah and hugged him. "Thank you for looking after her. When she calms down, I'll talk with her."

He nodded. "Now that Bob's here, I'll be busy." He turned toward the computer room, but said over his shoulder, "I'll need you to follow orders, no free thinking."

"Yes, Sir."

"Do you know how to use a gun?"

"Never touched one, but I do know how to use a bow-and-arrow. Does that help?"

Shaking his head, he said, "It would if I had one."

"I saw one in the attic. Can I get it along with the puzzle box?"

"No!" Noah glanced at his watch. "I figure they're probably four, maybe five miles out. We don't know which direction they're headed. If they continue this way, moving at an average of twenty minutes a mile, they might arrive in an hour and half to two hours. Can you fix some lunch and have an easy dinner that'll be close to ready?"

"Sure. I can have lunch ready in fifteen minutes."


During lunch Sami was especially quiet. Noah studied her. "I know that look. What's on your mind?" As she started to speak, he interrupted, "One question at a time."

"I'm worried about Jasper. If they arrive, he'll need to use the bathroom."

Bob answered, "We should have enough time to take him out before they get here. I think they'll slow down as it gets hotter this afternoon. I know Jasper's quiet, but will you be able to keep him quiet with strangers outside?"

Noah tilted his head. "I hadn't thought of that."

Sami exhaled. "He should remain quiet unless he feels I'm threatened. Then I can't guarantee, but I'll do my best."

Noah hesitated and then continued, "Ladies, I've already mentioned the bedroom and the closet. If I give the signal go inside the closet. Take a pillow or something to sit on. Block the door with a chair so it won't be easily opened. Take Jasper with you, and water. We'll turn off the air conditioner, so it'll get hot. Don't come out until I give the password. Sarah, you know today's word, right?" After she nodded, he continued, "I don't know how long it'll take. Remember, nothing electrical or any noise. We want this place to appear abandoned."


The Texas Department of Public Safety Officials said in the last two years they would average anywhere between two to three thousand illegal border crossings daily in the Eagle Pass area and Shelby Park.

Now it's down to about five daily encounters with migrants in the same area, according to Texas DPS officials.

Lt. Chris Olivarez, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety and Operation Lonestar offered this statement in response to the plunge in numbers: "We attribute the decrease in illegal entries at Shelby Park and Eagle Pass to the presence of Texas DPS and National's a much safer location because...we have been there and [provide] barriers and consequences to those who cross illegally."


Sami Martinez - Twenty-five-year-old high school teacher, who's working to find a kidnapped teenage girl.

Noah Taylor. - Homeland Security team leader, who works in the Human Trafficking department. Alias - Trey Morgan

Jose, Bob, & Sarah - Agents who work under Noah. Bob and Sarah are married.

Laura Martinez - Sami's mom.

Jasper - Sami's Great Dane, a large breed dog.

Myra Rodriguez - Kidnapped teenage girl whom Sami was close to.

Julia - Teenage girl, who was friends with Myra and Sami works with.

Big T - Neighborhood pimp; not a friendly person

Numerous Team Members - They will show up periodically but not really important to the story, except they're there.

Chen - Charles Henry Edward Nichols - Human trafficker and into some really bad stuff.

Chief Galvin Baldwin - Noah's supervisor.

Ryan Brown - All around jerk. He thinks highly of himself.

Marc - Sami's old boyfriend.

Mateo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - a very close friend of Sami's; a rich playboy

Juan Pablo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - Mateo's father



Thank you, Google Images, for photograph of some idea a what the number of illegal aliens crossing at Eagle Pass last year.

Chapter 17 is divided into two parts. This is the first portion of chapter 17. Chapter 17 A is a little over 1600 words.

Once again, I made a few changes as I posted.

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