General Fiction posted August 15, 2024

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No One Can See Me contest entry

Seeing Without Seeing

by DragonSkulls

No one can see me.

Maybe that's the reason, the reason so few actually believe. I tried to explain this through Moses. It was Exodus thirty three, twenty to be exact. I told him, "You can not see my face, for man shall not see me and live." Just to look at me through mortal eyes would kill you. I'm sorry but that's how it is. So yeah, no one can see me.

It breaks my heart there's people who don't believe I exist just because they can't "see" me. Take for instance, atheists. Come on, for real? You don't believe there's a higher power, that you just magically exist? Let me put it this way. The computer you're reading this on, someone designed it from scratch, calculated every aspect, made sure every little piece was exactly correct and in working order before putting it out there and voila, you can search the internet. Someone created it. The house you're sitting in that holds the computer you're reading this on. Again, designed, calculated, measured to perfection and built. Someone created it. Let's expand out now. The earth your house sits on that holds the computer that you're reading this on. Yep, it had to be created. It wan't just magically 'there.'

For those who want to believe the universe was a whole lot of nothing and that 'nothingness' exploded and created a universe full of 'something.' All I have to say to that is, "Wow." I know I only gave you ten percent of your brain mass to actually use but come on...that is flat out ridiculous.

Okay, let me get back to this contest entry. It requests a story. Here's one, and I suggest you listen. I, oh sorry, God created the heavens and earth. Adam and Eve screwed up and ate the fruit that He made clear wasn't to happen. Sin was born. Years later, God drowned the whole world except for Noah and his family for the evil it lived for. They populated the earth again but God saw it was turning out the same way...evil. He went as far as sending His own son, HIS OWN SON, to die for the sins of mankind. Once again, the world was turning corrupt with the evils of man. God gave them warning that there would come a day when He'd send His son to retrieve those who believed without actually "seeing" Him and then He'd let the world decay until He deemed the war of Armageddon would begin and all of mankind would perish. Sadly millions upon millions, upon millions did.

How was that for a story? All I'm saying is you better jump on board and start seeing without using your eyes...because this train will be leaving soon.


No One Can See Me contest entry
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