Biographical Non-Fiction posted August 13, 2024 Chapters:  ...5 6 -7- 8... 

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Meet the Author

A chapter in the book Writing Journey

Little Dixie Library in Moberly

by barbara.wilkey

You are a blessing to me.
I have been really neglectful on sharing this event with you. I had told you I had a "Meet the Author' or book signing while on vacation for Jace's, my grandson's, high school graduation. The graduation was wonderful as was the book signing. Jeff, Jace's dad, my second oldest son, set it up for me.

Both the graduation and the book signing went very well. The Little Dixie library and I have an agreement that every summer when I go home to visit family, I will do a book signing. I am beginning to wonder what my publisher is doing. As of right now, I am selling more books than he is. I would laugh, but it's not funny. My books have a spot on this library shelf. I am very pleased.

I have a few upcoming events planned. I have a 'Meet the Local Author's Fair' set up for this Saturday afternoon at the library in Harker Heights Texas. I am looking forward to that. In the town I live, there's a new bookstore, 'First Edition'. They just opened up last month. I plan on paying them a visit in September and seeing if I can't do a book signing there and maybe sell my books. We'll see what comes of that.

If both of these work out, I'll have a serious talk with my publisher. Part of this, in my opinion, is that he has my books prices too high. I sell them for $5.00 over printing cost. He says he can't do that because too many people need to be paid. I can't help but believe something can be worked out.

Anyway, I promise to do a better job keeping you informed.



My purpose for doing this is NOT to brag, but to let you know, if I can do it, so can you. Many of you are much better authors than I am. Please be brave enough to put your work out there.
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