General Non-Fiction posted August 11, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
Picture is re-enactment of seven years earlier

Family Vacation

by Debi Pick Marquette

I looked forward to this all year; finally, our annual "Family Vacation" was here. We would have a whole week as our clan gathered together. I prayed that everyone would stay well, be safe, for great weather, and good fishing. (As requested by the hubby)

I was so excited to see everyone. I could not wait to be with all six of my grandkids simultaneously.  I wondered where the time had gone. Weren't we just building tents together, making science experiments, and playing fun games with rolls of duct tape, whether stacking them or using for crafts?  We had so many cherished memories that seemed like they were just yesterday but so long ago at the same time. 

So, now that they are almost all grown, I looked forward to watching them have fun as they interact with each other. These precious grandchildren who mean the world to me are, Kenzie~21, Connor~21, Clara~18, Andrew~16, Carter (Goobs)~14, and Keats~13. They are more like friends now than siblings and cousins. The one thing I miss most is the sound of their laughter. It is like music to my ears and my favorite sound in the entire world. I knew after they'd arrive I would be soon hearing it again.

Of course, I was also excited to spend this time with my three kids and their spouses. Any time with them is priceless to me, as we just don't get enough of it during the year.

After the three-hour drive to Leech Lake in beautiful northern Minnesota, we got into our cabin. For a little privacy, Glen and I rent the smaller cabin; it's a duplex with a big deck that overlooks the pool and the monster of a lake. All three of our kids, spouses, and six grandkids are only a few yards away in a large two-story house with many bedrooms and beds.

It wasn't long after unpacking my boxes and suitcases that I went out to sit on the patio deck. Suddenly I heard the sound of children's laughter from the adjoining cabin next to us. My thrill at the thought of children escalated as I met the sweet little girls from next door, along with their parents, Jason and Bree. They were from Iowa and were better neighbors than we ever could have hoped for. They were so pleasant to be around all week, and the little girls were angels.

Our kids, Michelle, Jason, and Bridget, arrived within a few hours of each other with two boats and a pontoon. Our week turned out to be heavenly, between fishing, tubing, swimming at the lake and the pool and just hanging out together. One night there was even pool side bingo.

Some days, before or after supper, I got in on a little of the action of the many games the kids played, and I will savor the memory of all the laughter that I shared with them.

They all took advantage of every opportunity to enjoy themselves. If any of us didn't have fun, it would be our own fault for sure.

Since this was our gift to the family each year, we were told not to bring any food for meals. Our children so graciously took care of everything, and we ate supper together each evening.

On the last day, when we were packing, each of our children and grandkids came to our cabin and gave us a humongous hug and a big, heartfelt thank you.

That might have been the perfect ending to a fantastic week, but something else happened that meant just as much to me. 

It was when our neighbors, Jason and Bree, said something to me that caused me to think about how our situation looked from someone else's perspective. 

They said they were impressed with our family. They were referring to the fact that I am physically challenged and have trouble getting around. Walking has been hard for me as I have lupus and live with much pain. I use a special walker to walk outside. Getting up and down the deck steps is difficult for me at times, but if I can do it myself, I always like to try.

Our neighbors remarked that they saw how our kids and grandkids watched out for me and helped me, whether it was to the pool, boat, pontoon, or the house. They could see there was never a time when someone wasn't there for me or at least assist in case I started to fall.

 Nobody asked them to help me; they didn't wait to be asked; they just did it. Jason and Bree so sweetly pointed out that it genuinely said something about our family; how much I mean to them and how much we mean to each other.                                       

Hearing it from someone who had only known us for a week, their observations were meaningful to me.  As much as I always try to show the kids and grandkids how much I appreciate them, I somehow looked at it differently that day.  At that very moment, I felt even more proud to be the mom and grandma of this loving family.

However, I thank God for each of them every day of my life. 

Yet, it truly was a gracious compliment as we ended our amazing week together. 

Putting those feelings into words, I am not only blessed but I am also so incredibly thankful to be so very blessed. 

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