General Fiction posted August 7, 2024 Chapters:  ...21 22 -23- 24... 

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Baby Mac is born - a nanny is fired

A chapter in the book Sandra's Lover

Baby named MAC


Its a crime mystery. A serial killer in the works. A detective working under a misogynistic Sargeant and an unsupportive team. What shall we do now?
A beautiful baby boy. Mark Alistair Conners the third. Mac as they liked to call him. M-A-C being the baby's initials. Aliss had some difficulties in the delivery and required more time to heal. But eventually with Mark's help she was ready to come home.

Mark and the nanny he hired, took over most of the baby's care, with the exception of breast feeding, so Aliss could continue her healing. Even though she felt ready to resume her mothering duties she trusted Marks advice and took a little extra time in bedrest to completely heal.

Mark had Aliss create a chart that contained every event that the baby created. This included feeding times, diaper changes and rest routines. The nanny would add to the chart as well. Aliss insisted on doing most of the work. However, most days when she would check on her son, she would find the nanny already taking care of him, before she even reached the baby's room. The nanny did a good job, but Aliss found herself irritated on occasion. It was her baby, after all.

One evening Mark engaged Aliss in a conversation during dinner.

"Aliss, I think you shouldn't go back to work. I want you to stay home after your maternity leave. Its best for baby Mac." Mark was pretty much telling her what to do rather than asking for her input.

"I understand, but we already have a nanny and a housekeeper. Returning to work will give me something outside of this house to do. Besides, I love my job. I've been there since college." Aliss looked at Mark with a pleading look on her face.

"Aliss, my mother worked as hard as my father. As a result, I spent most of my days trapped in my room, without much contact from my parents. I want our son to see his mother everyday and his father as much as possible."

Mark without realizing it, was actually become more like his own father, despite swearing to himself he wouldn't.

"I understand Mark but we aren't your parents. I will always love my son and engage with him every day. I actually don't even need a nanny. Especially if I am going to stay home with him."
"Aliss, I want you to stay home and raise our son. The nanny can help when you need to do things outside of the house, but not at your job. You will call your old boss and officially resign." Mark instructed.

Aliss was a little perturbed at his insolence but knew better than to argue too hard. Especially without any convincing reasoning. She had one more shot and she was going to take it.

"I will agree, if you give me one thing." Aliss beamed her smile at him. She knew what worked with him. Logic, clear conversing and she also knew he had a soft spot for her smile. Mark did love his wife despite his controlling ways.

"What is that, my dear." He smiled back.

"If I stay home. We get rid of the nanny. I will give our son all of my attention. All of the attention you didn't get. Didn't you say that although you loved your nanny, that you would rather have had your mom or dad spend all that time with you?" Sound logic, a quick smile and a promise.

"Ok fine. But if we have more children then we get a full-time nanny, ok?"

Aliss was unaware that Mark had already decided that one son was enough. He was going to have that conversation with her soon, but not tonight. This compromise was a ruse to get Aliss to agree in the first place.

"Fine and agreed." Aliss was internally dancing. It was rare that she could outmaneuver her husband with verbal wit.

"One thing Aliss. You fire the nanny. You want her gone you have to do it." Mark looked at her and Aliss knew he wasn't taking no on this point. She liked the girl and didn't want anyone to lose a job. She would give the girl enough notice to find other work.

The nanny didn't take the news well. Her face went deep red and a vein appeared at her temple.
"You don't know that baby like I do." Were her only words. Inside the nanny had a crush on the doctor and was hoping he would feel the same back. If she left here, she would not get a change to pursue the handsome doctor. Aliss was in her way as his wife and now she was kicking her out of the house. Things have a way of coming back on people. Although Aliss offered her notice and a generous compensation. The girl just up and left at that exact moment.
Aliss was true to her word. Every moment that child was awake she was by his side. He was a very loved boy and well taken care of.

Mark, when he wasn't at work received Aliss's reports on his son and his progress. He also had access to both Aliss and Macs medical reports so he was well appraised of their progress as well.
When his son was 2 Aliss asked about having another baby. Mark chose this time to tell her about his future plans.

"Aliss now that I have finished my internship and my residency, I thought I would take this time to pursue my dream of being a medical examiner. This will take me some time as I will have to study again and put in more time at the hospital. So, I think we should wait on having another baby, at least for now."

She was crestfallen. They discussed having 4 kids when they were dating. Did this mean she would only have the one son? They were financially stable, had a great home in an incredible neighbourhood. And she was a stay-at-home mother. Why not have more?

"I can handle more children and you can still achieve your goals. Many parents have larger families and both parents' work." Aliss pleaded.

"This is temporary. A couple more years. Then I'll be done and we can try at that time, Ok?"
She sighed and dropped her chin down. Mark, tipped up her chin like he used to do when they were dating. He kissed her gently and sweetly. Her heart skipped a beat like it always did with her handsome husband. Was his kiss calculated? Probably. But it was only 2 years. She is still young enough to have more then. "Ok Mark." She said holding him close.

A couple of weeks later there was a knock at the door. Aliss answered it as Mark was at the hospital.

"Can I help you?"

"Are you Alissandra Conners?" the strange man said.

"Yes, I am. Can I ask what this is about?" she replied.

"Ma'am, you've been served." With that he passed her a large envelope and snapped a picture at the same time. "Have a nice day Ma'am." He climbed into his sedan and left the driveway.

Aliss opened the envelope and inside were court documents. Her ex-nanny was suing on grounds of wrongful dismissal and allegations of domestic abuse.

My story came to me one afternoon. Being a person who loves crime drama it was born of a collection of stories I have heard, read or witnessed.
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