Mystery and Crime Fiction posted July 30, 2024 Chapters:  ...19 20 -21- 22... 

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Mark finds disturbing facts out about his parents

A chapter in the book Sandra's Lover

plato's retreat


The author has placed a warning on this post for language.
The author has placed a warning on this post for sexual content.

Crime, loss intrigue. Who where what??
His legs were shaking as he tried to be as quiet as he could. Sneaking around was never something that Mark had ever done before. He was always a rule follower. However, his mother, thinking he was sick and in bed, would never expect him to be up and about.

He took his time, making sure his parents were otherwise occupied in a different part of the house. He eventually reached his mother's office and opened the door. He took a quick glance to make sure there were no cleaning staff in this wing of the house and none in her office.
He wasn't sure what he was looking for, but he knew he had to find something. He walked up to her desk and scanned the surface for anything that would catch his attention. Nothing here. He opened drawers and found typical things, such as pens, paper, notebooks, and files. He scanned some of these files and found them to be work related.

In the bottom right drawer, he found his mother's date book. This he opened and scanned the pages the flipped to the schedule she had for today. The day that changed Mark forever.
Here were written notes about her office appointments for the morning and in the afternoon was written "hairdresser" for the entire afternoon. He flipped through previous pages and noted "hairdresser" on almost every Thursday afternoon for weeks previous and into the future. On several evenings he noted "Plato's Retreat". This seemed to coincide with the days that Mark knew both of his parents went to visit with the Dokken's.

Mark grabbed a piece of paper from the trash and noted these things down. He stuffed this piece of paper into his pants. He was careful to put everything back on his mothers' desk, exactly as he found it. He then quietly slipped back into the hall.

He heard noises coming from the left side of the hall so he snuck to the right, knowing he would now have to take the servants stairs to get back up to his room. This would be risky as someone may catch him wandering the halls when he is supposed to be sick in bed. Sure enough as he approached the stairs one of the drivers called out, "Hey Mark, what are you doing down here?" The driver put a set of keys in a narrow wood cabinet in the wall next to where he was standing in the staff area of the house.

"Oh, uhm I was looking for the Kitchen. Thought I might get a glass of warm milk. You know, to help settle my stomach." Good thing he was quick minded.

"You get back to bed, I'll have Janie bring it up to you."

With that Mark turned and went up the stairs and back into his room. He quickly went into his bed and stuffed his note under his pillow. Within a few minutes Janie was there with his warm milk.

"I put some chocolate in it for you, but don't tell your mom." She winked.

His parents frowned on sugar so this was indeed a rare treat.

"Thank you so much Janie." He said and with that he was alone.

Time for Mark to make a plan. He knew now he needed to follow his parents and figure out what Plato's Retreat was and where. That's all he really had, that and the 'hairdresser'.


A few days later, after having convinced his parents that he was well, Mark started hatching his plan. He spent some time getting to know the patterns of the staff, their comings and goings. He noted where the cars were and when and how his parent engaged the driver. He knew tonight was the night that they were going to the Dokken's house. He wanted to follow them to find out exactly what they were doing there.

His parents were known to follow appointments and schedules in a military fashion. They were never late for anything and expected the same from their son too.

This night they had instructed Mark to finish homework and gets some sleep for the next day of school. He was 15 and didn't need a babysitter so Mark was left to his own accord. Most of the staff were gone except for Janie who was there just to get anything that Mark would ask for.

Mark knew that they would call for the car in about 15 minutes so he dressed in black pants and a black pullover sweater and snuck out to the garage. The Black Jaguar XJ Series II was what they were taking out this night. Mark had the spare key in his pocket, having pilfered it a few days earlier. He felt bad for Brad the driver as Mark overheard his father giving Brad a dressing down for losing the spare keys.

Mark used the key and opened the trunk. He was careful to make sure he pulled the trunk closed but not latched. He climbed in and curled up in the narrow but deep space.
Soon enough Brad was in the garage along with Janie.

"Ok my love, I'll be back soon, wait for me in the back guest room. I promise to make worth the wait." He kissed the young pretty Hispanic girl deep and long.

"I know the kid will be busy with homework so he won't bother us. I'll be waiting." She smiled as she turned.

With a playful swat to her bottom, he walked to the Jaguar started it up and pulled it out of the garage.

Mark's parents entered the back of the vehicle and Mark was able to overhear their conversation, although some of it was muffled.

"We need to talk to Cassandra and get this all straightened out. We can't have her talking to anyone." Marks father Alistair said to his wife Cindra.

"You're right. I'll talk to her first." Cindra was just as in control as her husband. Both very serious people.

What Mark couldn't see was his father had his fingers buried inside his wife's underwear having slipped her skirt up her trim thighs. This was a game they played. How to remain in complete control above the waist while someone sexually tortures you from below. If the driver looked into the mirror, he would not see any evidence of the play going on in the back seat behind him.
"How was your day at the hairdressers?" Alistair asked his wife.

"One of the best days ever." She had a hint of a smile on her perfectly made-up face. Nothing showing above the waist but inside her a fresh flow of fluid soaked his fingers.

The car slowed and stopped. The couple exited the vehicle and their driver Brad walked them to the door of the building.

Mark pushed the trunk up a few inches. Just enough to see the door of the building his parent just entered. "Plato's Retreat" the sign read.

He saw them walk inside the door and with the door open he saw a glimpse of what he thought was a naked woman with her arms outstretched to take his mother's coat. Then the door closed.

At that moment an elegantly dressed woman was walking towards the door. Suddenly Mark's stomach dropped through his feet and his face lost all the blood. This woman, with her black hair slicked back was CC! She looked so different! She had on a floor length green sequined gown with a slit so high you could see the edges of her black lace panties. Her long legs clad in black heels with straps that wound around her legs. What in the heck was she doing here? And exactly what goes on in this place?

Brad, who was still close to the door, opened it for her slightly nodding in her direction.
CC slipped inside to also be greeted by the same nude woman.

Mark decided it was now or never. He rolled on his side and put one leg out of the trunk. He kept the trunk as low as possible. Once he was out, he pushed the trunk down and he heard the quiet click of the trunk's latch. Crouching he slipped between the parked cars along the side of the building. He tried to stay as much in the darkened areas as he could. When a couple walked past him, he pretended to be unlocking a door of the car closest to him.

Soon enough he found himself around the side of the building. Curious that there were few windows and only the one door. The building was made of cement Lego style bricks stacked one upon the other. It was painted black and from all appearances it looked like a warehouse of some type. He saw a chain link fence blocking his path to the back area. He walked along the fence that took him away from the side of the building and under a tree. At the tree there was an opening that he assumed some vandal had cut into it. He pushed his way through that opening and worked his way to the rear of the building. There he saw multiple old pallets haphazardly scattered around the yard area. There was a bay door and a set of cement stairs to the left of that door. The stairs reaching the back of the warehouse were around 5 feet from the ground and entered the building through a steel door, that was also painted black. To the left of these stairs was one window. The curtains in that window had a split that was around 2 inches wide. From there he could see a red light. Mark was unable to reach this window from the ground so he dragged some pallets to create a makeshift box that he would climb up to look into the window.

He looked through the curtains and inside what he saw made him want to instantly throw up some more. He swallowed his bile while he scanned the room.

He saw a large room filled with beds and mats. Upon these were couples of varying ages and body types all engaged in different stages of sex. Some oral and some vaginal some anal. They were all writhing in passion and shouting to the room. In the far-left corner he saw his mother, naked and half leaning back on her hands. CC was between her legs licking her with her tongue. CC was kneeling and Mark's father was buried inside her from behind.

Mark lost his balance on the precariously stacked old pallets and found himself stumbling and falling off the pile. He was able to get down without much injury but the loud noises caught the attention of the people inside.

Mark started running back the way he came. A dressed man came out the back door shouting at Mark as he ran away. Soon enough he reached the split in the fence and quickly forced his way through, tearing his shirt and causing a deep gouge in his back as he did.

Mark ran away from the building and down the street. He wasn't sure where he was but he just kept running. About a block away he spotted the Dokken's funeral home and that was enough for him to figure out how to get home.

For the second time Mark was running away from the funeral home. Running as if his life depended on it. He ran as fast as he could, unaware of the blood seeping from the gash in his back. He had to get back to the house, had to get back in that bed so if his parents came home, they would not know it was him that was caught peeking through the window.

When Mark got to the door, it was locked. He ran around the side to the back door where the staff entered and found it locked as well. He scanned the back of the building and up on the second floor there was a light on, and the French doors were open. He climbed into the tree beside the deck and made his way to the patio. Thank God the room was empty. However, as he entered, he didn't notice the blood that he left dripping on the deck floor.

Inside, he made his was carefully towards the servant stairs. There he ran into Brad and Janie. They were both in bathrobes and holding onto each other.

"Uhm hey kid, watcha doin hanging around here again?" Brad asked obvious guilt on his face.
Janie, with her arm wrapped around Brads half hiding behind him said, "Its ok you know. We were just getting ready to go home."

Mark straightened his spine and put confidence in his face as he looked at the staff members.
"I already know about you two, so don't pretend to hide it. You don't say anything to my parents and I won't tell them about your tryst in the back guest room." Mark said with far more confidence than he felt. He pushed past them and they turned to look at his back.

"Oh my God Mark!" Janie exclaimed with shock on her face, "your back. It's all cut up!"
It was at this time that all the adrenaline from his day slipped away and Mark found himself weak in the knees. Brad grabbed the teen and helped him towards his room.

Janie ran to the bathroom and in the medicine cabinet she grabbed supplies to clean up Mark's wound.

All three were now in Mark's room. Mark went to the bathroom to strip out of his clothes, don Pajama bottoms and a robe. Janie fixed up his back as much as she could and recommended, that he may need stitches.

"Seems as if we all have secrets here." Said Brad. "I'll get rid of these clothes for you and keep your secret if you keep ours."

Mark thought this was the best news he had the entire day and readily agreed. Cleaned up and bandaged he slunk into his bed and was soon fast asleep. His parents found him there later that night. They had no idea it was him that had peeked through the window at the club.
However, Cindra saw a patch of blood on Marks blanket.

The story winds around and around, but eventually it ends up all at the same place, keep reading
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