Fantasy Fiction posted July 30, 2024 Chapters:  ...41 42 -43- 44... 

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The battle for Concorde Valley continues.

A chapter in the book Return To Concorde Valley

Battle of the Gods - Part 2

by davisr (Rhonda)

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.

Years after a fire took her parents' lives, Echo worked at a small town newspaper. She was rescued from danger by her old friend, Theo, who took her to live in his world, one full of its own danger.
End of Last Chapter:
Echo suddenly felt an enormous surge of power flow towards her. It grasped her in its clutches and began to pull her towards the object of her nightmares. She struggled against it, fighting with all she had inside. It was not the first time she had been forced to face Hades' power.

"That's it," she heard Hades call out. "Come to me, Echo. You belong by my side. Come now and I'll turn back my army. Resist me, and you'll watch them all die before I claim you as my bride."

"Don't do it," Phillip said. "He'll kill everyone, anyway."

Echo ignored Phillip's plea, and urged Forbearance forward, half because she wanted to save the people from battle, and half because she couldn't resist the force Hades was exuding.

Phillip snaked out his arm and grabbed the horse's mane. He leaned forward and spoke to her in the tongue of horses. "Take her to the garden of Theo, and go with the speed of your mother."

Forbearance, the firstborn daughter of Eternal and Champion reared up. She pawed the air like an enraged stallion, then charged into the woods toward the garden of the young god who currently ruled the valley.
Behind her, Echo heard a war cry from Hades and then the sounds of battle as warriors collided with warriors.
New Chapter Begins: 
A silver streak in the morning light, Forbearance had a comfortable lead on the white stallion of Hades. She was old, not immortal like her famous brother, Nifty, but still possessing a certain zest from their shared parents.

Behind them, Echo heard the sounds of battle on Skeleton Field. The clash of metal on metal and the screams of the wounded were fierce and terrifying. And yet, she would have stayed and completed her responsibilities. Immortals might not die, but they can suffer pain and affliction without the escape of death. She was willing to stay the course with the others.

Pondering these thoughts, she also had to wonder if she should have gone to Hades when called. The others didn't think so, but, in the end, it was her decision to make. The dark god had made her immortal. Could she really hide from the fate of joining him? A wave of sorrow washed over her and left her in a despair even the memory of Theo could not comfort.

Echo watched the terrain change from forest to grasslands. She no longer heard the clash of battle, but knew it was still going on. She was safe, while her friends fought and died somewhere behind her. She would have turned back if she could have, but the horse she rode followed orders from someone who spoke her language and whom she trusted more than Echo.
She finally arrived at an area she knew led to Theo's house. She could smell the scent of his flowers on the chilly breeze, imagine the feel of them against her skin.

And then, there was noise again. She watched as a horde of Specters approached from her right and another from her left. They were covered in silver mail and mounted on dark horses. Almost at once, they let out war cries and raced towards her. Apparently, they had been waiting. She thought Hades had given up too quickly.

Forbearance doubled her speed, reaching hooves out and pushing back dirt with zeal born of desperation. Echo hung on to the horse's neck and sides with strength she didn't know she possessed.

For a while, the silver mare was able to maintain a lead, but started to tire as Spectres pressed in. Echo could see the red in their eyes and smell their filth. She guessed she got her wish. She was able to see battle and outrun the devil.

Her musings were halted as Forbearance made it to Theo's garden a hair's breadth ahead of the enemy and sailed over the fence. The Specters halted at the edge, not daring to enter the royal garden.

The exhausted silver horse knelt and let Echo slide off beside a patch of golden chrysanthemums.

Echo patted Forbearance's trembling neck with affection. "I don't know what good that just did," Echo said, "but thank you for giving it your all."

Forbearance hung her head and gave a soft neigh that Echo took as, you're welcome.

Echo patted her again, then turned to the blossoms that surrounded them. She reached out and stroked one of the dew covered chrysanthemums. Doing so gave her a measure of comfort.

It was a flower, such as these, Theo had given her when they ate together as children. He had put one in her hair as a gesture of affection. On impulse, she took one now and placed it in her amber locks. For just a moment, she was that little girl, leaning on young Theo to protect her.

Forbearance neighed in alarm as Hades flew over the fence on his white steed. He, it seemed, had no aversion to violating Theo's domain. With a shout, he dismissed the Specters back into the woods.

Dressed in white, Hades' appearance was a stark contrast to the black he had worn in the catacombs, and belying his true nature and mission.

Echo backed out of the way, and then waited for the fate she had avoided for as long as she could. At least, she thought, she had drawn the general away from his troops.

Hades slowly dismounted and stomped toward her. Fury distorted his handsome features.

"Why did you run from me?" he demanded. "You could have saved your protest for when we were alone, not made a spectacle of me in front of my soldiers and enemies."

Echo looked down. She couldn't bear to see the monster in his eyes. Terror made her heart skip a beat, then thunder in her chest.

After a shuddering gulp, she said, "Phillip told the horse to run. I was on her back and had no choice." The strong woman inside quailed at her pandering response.

She heard Hades laugh derisively. He seemed to feel he had won a much desired victory.

What had Rebecca said to her? Don't give in easily, make him work for it? Better yet, they would fight for her. They were doing that now.

Taking a deep breath, she gathered all the tenacity and bravery she could find and met Hades' gaze. She was no longer confused by a mixture of admiration and disgust. She saw the fiend he was and it filled her with revulsion.

Piercing the depths of her anguish, a different memory of Theo appeared. He was across a battlefield back in her old world outside her apartment. A well placed arrow had taken down a Specter who was trying to kidnap her. Her head swam with mixed emotions.

And then, she heard a familiar sound. It was the meowing of her best friend, Sunny. She shook her head and tried to focus on his plaintive mew. It grew louder and changed pitch. "Pay attention," it seemed to say. "Warning!"

A bite to her ankle completed Sunny's attempt to bring his mistress' attention to reality. It worked!

Echo reached down and stroked his sleek gray fur. "Thank you, boy. I've got this." She stood back up, her mind clear and focused. Purring now, the cat's voice became a comforting refrain.

She simply wasn't going to lie down and take defeat from this beast while her friends fought for their lives on the battlefield. They were strong, she could be also.

She cleared her throat and began again. "You know, even if Phillip hadn't done what he did, I still wouldn't have come to you. I despise you now, just as I did in the cave. You told me I have a choice about becoming your wife. I exercise that choice here and now."

Hades drew so close to her she could feel his breath on her neck. He didn't smell of rotting flesh or sulfur this time. Outside his domain, there was a scent of something else, something akin to flowers and sunshine. It confused Echo, but not enough to make her change her mind.

"I did tell you that," Hades said. His lips brushed her cheek. "And you're right; you do have a choice, but with choices come consequences. Today, many people will lose their lives needlessly. They are doing so right now because of your poor decision. I made you immortal, Echo. You owe me."

She put a hand on his chest to push him back when the pair were interrupted by the sound of another voice. It was clear and commanding.

"She belongs to no man and least of all to you, Uncle."

Hades whirled around, surprise evident on his face. "Well, who do we have here? Theo, my dear nephew. Last I remember, you had run off and left your little brother to fight your battles for you."

Theo shrugged. He refused to take the bait. "I'm here now."

He walked down the cobbled path as though on a simple stroll. He was calm and collected. "And I brought aid."

Hermes, tall and fierce, materialized beside him with a shimmer.

Hades rolled his eyes. "Well, if it isn't the playboy of the gods. You should be a big help. Here, take a message to Mount Olympus for me. Tell them Concorde Valley has fallen."

Hermes didn't bother to comment. His body, still covered in healing wounds from battling the Stymphalian birds, bore evidence he was more than a messenger. Resolute eyes glanced to where another man emerged from inside the garden.

"I'm here, too," Adam said. He was also undaunted and battle tried.

Hades burst into laughter. "Really, Hermes, you brought the kid with you? I'm really scared now. Adam, I told you before that I admire bravery, foolish though it may be, but I suggest you leave this one for the adults."

"You don't scare me, Hades," Adam said. There was a fierceness in his eyes Echo hadn't seen before. He had come to her aid in the tunnels and had shown bravery unusual for his previous life. But, what stood before them was a warrior. There was a whole lot of Theo evident in the young man.

"Boys, lose the bravado." Hades said. "You are seriously outclassed here and you know it. What few men and women you have out on the battlefield are nothing compared to what I can call up at any given moment. I can wipe this valley clean of all life, and never break a sweat."

Theo, standing to Echo's left, spoke. "State your business. I've had enough of your boasting. I'm not as easily frightened as a young woman from outside our world and a couple of children."

"Tough talk from someone who wasn't able to get anyone to help him besides the least of the twelve gods and an inept brother. I know you've been looking for Apollo, but there's a reason he didn't come. He simply doesn't care. He got tired of trying to help the pitiful mortals run their godforsaken world. He didn't come because he doesn't have it in him anymore, and besides, he knows he can't defeat me. Neither can you, so give up and give me what I want."

Theo stood firm and stared directly at Hades, neither repeating his challenge, nor making a move to leave. Hermes and Adam stood quietly in their places. Echo just tried to keep from appearing terrified.

"My demands are quite simple," Hades said. "I've already taken over Mount Olympus, and there is nothing you can do or say to change that. The only thing you can control is what I do with this valley today and what the future will be for your parents and the other Olympian Twelve."

"Nine, actually," Hermes interrupted. "You and I are here, and Apollo has gone missing, so that leaves nine of the twelve on Mount Olympus. But if you count all the demi-gods, spouses and minor gods there, then the count does go up dramatically."

"Hermes, for once in your life, just shut up and listen," Hades roared.

"Fine, I'm just trying to be accurate."

"Hermes, let me do this, okay?" Theo said, to which Hermes shrugged good-humoredly.

Echo almost laughed when she saw Hades' face cloud over. She didn't know whether Hermes was a total idiot, or if he was just being strategically annoying. Either way, he was forcing Hades to lose his cool.

"And what of the safety of the people in my valley?" Theo asked.

"They're not doing too well right now with just a fraction of my troops against them. Give me what is mine and I'll call them off."

"I don't have anything that belongs to you," Theo said. "All you see here is mine or my family's."

"You have my wife." Hades looked directly at Echo.

"I see no ring on her finger," Theo said.

"What? Are you kidding? I could cover her fingers in rings. The truth you seem to be avoiding is that my spirit flows in her blood. While you were away on your fruitless journey, she got lonely and came to me for company. I made her immortal, which means I have a claim on her soul. You know the rules."

"And I say that you did nothing more than nauseate the poor girl," Theo said. Turbulent green eyes met fiery brown as neither man gave ground.

"Ask her if you don't believe me," Hades said. He had expected Theo to be angry, or maybe even disgusted, but not in denial. That took some of the sting out of what he had accomplished.

"I don't have to ask her," Theo said. "I know what you attempted, and that you've been visiting her dreams. I still maintain you failed in your purpose."

"Let's put it to the test, then, boy," Hades challenged. "If I have made her immortal, then she will be unable to resist my call on her soul."

"Go ahead," Theo said, motioning with his hand toward Echo. "I have no use for her if she belongs to you."

"Theo, no," Echo pleaded. "Fight for me."

Hermes grabbed her hand. He, at least, would defend her, even if it was against a more powerful god.

"Let her go, Hermes, I know what I'm doing," Theo said gently. "Hades, go ahead and try."

Hades smiled smugly and stretched his arm toward Echo. She looked at Theo and held his eyes for a moment, but he turned away as tears built in her eyes.

How could the man she loved and trusted give up so easily? Why hadn't he forgiven her when everyone said he would?

"Come to me," Hades commanded. He issued the same irresistible force toward her she felt the evening he kissed her, the one he used to call to her every night in her dreams, and one he used on her a while ago on the battlefield. She braced herself and fought against the power once more.

Hades turned his attention to Echo once more. "Just relax and submit to me. I'll take you home to Mount Olympus and give you Hera's throne. I'll love you with all my heart and give you many children to nurture. You're mine and you know it in your heart."

"I will not yield to you." Echo reached out and grabbed Hermes' sleeve for support.

Hades began to mutter words in a language she assumed was Greek. She couldn't tell what he was saying, but the words were soothing and hypnotic. She concentrated hard on not losing her resolve, but found her head becoming light, and her determination slipping away. Finally, she let go of Hermes' arm.

"Yes, that's it," Hades said as she inched closer to him. "Come to your groom, and tonight I will hold you in my arms as we overlook the destruction of this valley."

Book of the Month contest entry


All AI Images of Echo, Theo, Sunny and Adam from IZEA

Book Summary so far:

Young Echo Jones is overlooked by First Responders as she hides in a wheat field during a house fire. Both parents killed in the fire, she escapes into an ancient forest behind her home. Alone and afraid, she meets up with a young boy, Anthos, nicknamed Theo, from mysterious origins that tends to her while searching for help.

20 years later, Echo is working for a newspaper called the Taylorville Sun. Among other duties, she investigates a serial killer who has now struck in her small town.

After being stalked by enemies intent on stopping her investigation, Theo, now a man, returns to rescue her from a demonic force. After a battle outside Echo's apartment complex, Echo and Theo fled through the trees toward his homeland, Concorde Valley, an undisclosed place near or within the Great Forests of Southern United States.

Theo takes Echo into Concorde Valley where she is tended to by Phoebus, Theo's father of many roles. He patches her up and sends her with Theo to meet the family.

Theo receives a missive from the 12 gods, via the rascally Hermes, instructing him to free the gods being held captive on Mount Olympus and defeat the enemy Hades.

With the help of family members, some of Greek Mythological fame, Theo sets out to save the world.


Echo Jones: Young girl left stranded by a fire that took her home and parents in the first part of the book, then as an adult, she's an investigative reporter for a small town newspaper.

Theo: Named Anthos by his parents. Protagonist of the book, and Echo's love interest..

Specters/men in dark clothing: Minions of the Enemy. Have eyes that turn red when they're angry. Can appear as normal humans, serve the Enemy.

Kitty Sunshine, aka Sunny: Echo's Russian Blue cat

Theo, A nickname for Anthos: An 8-year-old, of mysterious origins, who finds young Echo in the forest and tends to her needs. We see him later as a grown man who rescues Echo once again.

Georgios: One of Phoebus' Captains. Theo's half brother

Phoebus: King of Concorde Valley, Theo's father
Diantha: Queen of Concorde Valley, Theo's mother
Poseidon: god of the Sea, Theo's grandfather
Hermes: messenger god, warrior, boyish charm; Theo's 2nd cousin, one of the ruling 12.
Apollo: Hermes' elder brother, sun God, and more. One of the ruling 12. Currently on sabbatical.

Rebecca: Theo's 25-year-old sister. She's married to Henry and has a baby Caitlyn
Henry: Rebecca's husband.
Adam: Theo's 21-year-old brother
Phillip: Theo's 17-year-old brother
Helen: Theo's 10-year-old sister
Hannah: Theo's 7-year-old sister who loves animals and can talk to them in their own language.
Mary: Rebecca's mother-in-law and a woman who is like a grandmother to the kids.

Mageia: Old Sorcerer who lives in Carack Valley. Used to work for Hades.
Thanatos: One of Nix's twin sons. He supersedes Hades as controller of death.
Hypnos: One of the twin sons. He lulls people to sleep
Nyx: Female personification of the night. Mother to many primordial beings, feared even by Zeus.

Stymphalian Birds: Monstrous creatures from Greek mythology, often depicted as large, carnivorous birds with metallic feathers and razor-sharp beaks and talons. (Quora)
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