General Poetry posted July 25, 2024

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This Quatern poem is for our own JannyPan who died 7/24/23

A Year Ago Jan Passed Away

by Debi Pick Marquette

A year ago Jan passed away

We miss her just as much today

So many things we won't forget

She paid tribute to every vet

And yet it's still so hard to say

A year ago Jan passed away

She loved the stars, the moon and sun

And she gave help to everyone

You never would hear Jan condemn

Her feedback went in a PM

A year ago Jan passed away

I hope that Abby is okay

Jan's greatest love, Abby her cat

I wonder now where she is at

Our loss is so hard to convey

A year ago Jan passed away 



For anyone new that did not know Jan, she was one of the true Fanstorians who always helped others, loved the constellation and was a great help to others. She lived in Texas until she passed a way.

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