General Fiction posted July 24, 2024

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Cast the first stone,

by zanya

This passage is found in John Chapter 8 : 7-11 and concerns ‘A Woman caught in adultery,’

(Summary of Bible passage)

The Scribes and Pharisees brought a woman to Jesus who had been caught in adultery. They said to Him that according to the Law of Moses such women should be stoned. They persisted questioning Jesus and eventually He replied saying:

‘Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.’

                                                                        (New American Bible/St Joseph Edition)

It is, in my opinion, a powerful statement.

We all encounter people in our lives who live or act differently to us and don’t play by our rules, so to speak. Our reaction may be to  lash out in word or deed, maybe even, excoriate them for not living their lives as we think they should.

Or we. ourselves. may be criticized for the way we live our lives and some may not agree with our choices.

Today, in our age of instant communication the urge to attack or criticize others and their choice of living style may be very powerful and the comments delivered instantly.

The above biblical quotation, I think, is a powerful antidote to this urge to criticize others. It also can also act as a sort of shield for ourselves when others hit out at us.

If Jesus, son of God, can display such tolerance in the face of  human frailty, then perhaps we should try to exercise similar restraint.

Personally, I find it a lodestar in my own life when I come across such difficult situations.




Bible writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Take a passage from the Bible that you find especially interesting or meaningful. Then write why you chose it.
1. Exposition: Perhaps you've studied it in depth which gave greater understanding to its meaning. Share what you learned.
2 . Application: It helped you with something personally when you applied it to your life/situation.

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