General Poetry posted July 22, 2024

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by Willie P. Smith

She's as bad as Biden from what I've seen,

She's an embarrassment on the TV screen.

We have the bottom of the barrel now,

We have to escape her somehow.

We have a country in decline,

America is ours, yours and mine.

We've witnessed what an awful leader can do,

One more like him and America's through.

Do you believe Harris will be better?

She'll follow Biden's policies to the letter.

We need a real LEADER  and with any luck,

We'll get one in November that doesn't sound like a duck.

Kamala for President writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt

Kamala Harris has announced she is running for President! Write a poem commemorating this historical event.

This may sound like I'm angry, You betcha I am. I feel like all the years I served America were wasted. People who vote for Harris are not paying attention or don't care. We're giving away America. The Government is treating law violators better than our citizens. We're being invaded by people from hostile
Countrys. Some citizens are barely able to afford to live. We're being forced to buy things we don't want or need. Our laws and Constitution are being violated
constantly. There are many more reasons not to vote for Harris, this is just the skim of the milk. I'm sorry if I have offended anyone, however, a leader should be
chosen by qualifications and leadership. Color, gender, or sex should not be considered. If you vote for Harris you're part of the problem.
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