General Non-Fiction posted July 13, 2024

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He is the father of us all.

My Thoughts to God

by pookietoo

Dear God,

Every day I think I should talk to you more.  I know how your heart aches to hear from your children. You already know what is on my mind, but you want me to pour out my heart to you. I know you will hear every word I say when I talk to you, and I will listen to what you may say to me. You are so amazing the way you put so many clouds in the sky, faces, and animals in them. I love the way you paint the sky yellow, and vibrant orange and pink in the morning and at night.  Sometimes clouds are in the shape of a heart. This tells me how much you love each one of your children.

I know you love each of us more than we know and more words can say. You hurt when we hurt. You love all of your children even the ones who make wrong or bad choices. These choices only hurt the ones who make them. I truly feel bad for the people who don't believe in you at all. I know that none of us on Earth are ever alone. You and Jesus know what we go through, you see our tears, our fears, our heartaches, and our trials. You see the pain we feel when our loved ones die including our pets which are like family to us. I am grateful that our pets go to heaven too. You see the emotions we feel, our anger, sadness, heartache, our tears, highs, and lows. It takes a lot of time for us to heal when we grieve. You see the people who have broken hearts when they break up with their spouse or boyfriend, the loneliness people feel when their spouse dies. Some people feel so alone and want to die so they can be reunited with their husband or wife.

I want to thank you for the four seasons, each of which is beautiful in different ways: the snow, rain, wind, rainbows, trees, mountains, birds, butterflies, the beautiful flowers, so many animals and insects, waterfalls, fountains, all the rivers, lakes, streams, creeks, ponds, and reservoirs. Thank you for the fireworks we see on July 4 and July 24. Thank you for all of the medical personnel, firemen, and heroes in our lives. Thank you for the sun, moon, and so many stars which twinkle so high in the sky.

I know you are disappointed in your children who give into temptations of Satan and their friends and stray from the right path. There are many temptations we face which include lying, cheating, gossiping, and stealing. I know it is at these times especially when we give into temptations that you would like us to get on our knees and pray to you. You hope we will feel your love surround us and fill our hearts with peace during our trials. I know you give us nothing more than we can handle.I  know that you give us trials to test our faith.

You would like us to fill our lives with great friends who will uplift us, encourage, support, compliment us, give us great advice, listen to us, wipe our tears, and do their best to calm our fears. I know the parents you gave me and my siblings were the parents we were supposed to have. My parents taught me to work hard. My mother taught me to have patience, persevere, and believe in myself. You led me to the guy I was meant to marry and who I loved the day I met him and to people who became my friends either in person or people who I only know their name and have never met. Some of these people are dear to my heart and help me to go on. I am forever grateful for my parents, siblings, husband, and dear friends.

I know you want us to see ourselves the way you see us, as a special and unique child of God. You want us to see our inner and outer beauty and the inner beauty of others too. I know you do not want us to judge or criticize others, compare ourselves to others or try to be another person. These things are just not right. All of us need to accept and love ourselves for who we are, find out what our talents are, and share them with others.  I know you want us to see the beauties in life, notice the little things which may be big things one day, and see the bright side of things even when things go wrong. You want us to be able to be strong, admit when we do wrong, forgive those who hurt us, and fully repent of our sins. You want us to learn from our mistakes which helps us to be better people.  Most of all, God, I want to thank you for helping me be the person I am.  My testimony has grown so much in the last few years with the help of my husband and friends who care.

Many songs I hear testify of Jesus, and I am grateful you helped the people who sing these songs pick the right titles and words for their songs. Different times when I hear certain songs, tears come to my eyes, and your powerful love surrounds me. I am so grateful for the talents you gave me: crocheting, making scrapbooks, and writing poems. Many times you have inspired me on what to write in my poems.  I am truly grateful for this, God. You give me the will to keep going and never give up. Most of all, I want to thank you for helping me believe in myself and accept and love me for who I am. Thank you for helping me know the importance of smiling at others. When we share a smile with others, we receive one back. Thank you for the scriptures which we learn from each time we read them, for prophets and apostles who teach us the right way, and for sending thy son to earth to suffer and die for us so that one day we will be resurrected and be reunited with our families, friends, and pets.

                                                                                                 Your loving daughter

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