Fantasy Fiction posted July 11, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
Fantasy Piece

Fantasy Ending

by DragonSkulls

Instant Grits Contest Winner 
I thought to write a unique tale
five hundred words in length,
that told of love and treachery
'tween bravery and strength.
There'd be betrayal of friends and foes,
of wizards, kings and knights,
where every character would hold
an angle to its plight.
There, dragons flew while armies charged
and magic seared the skies.
Where trolls and fairies fought aside
while veiled in keen disguise.
And swords would clash as archers aimed
while steadying their bows.
Where soldiers forced the line ahead
whilst vanquishing their foes.
The piercing of the armor shields
as arrows claimed their mark
and axes cleaved a wayward path
on quests that they embark.
Where beasts and steeds are rode by men
that hone a savage spear,
that seek their sacred place in war
through honor they'd adhere.
Where in the end the wizard's spell,
requested by his Queen,
is that of wealth and power sought 
her King had not foreseen.
Betrayal would be then revealed 
amid her tender kiss.
But fantasy too often wanes...
upon a site as this.

Instant Grits
Contest Winner

Just feels like this most times.

The picture is a Google Image that I added the wizard in the background to.
Thank you for reading.

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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