Humor Poetry posted July 11, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
being silly

Gran Fun

by pome lover




“Bath time, Carrie,” Grandma called,

We’ve got bubbles galore!

 Carrie jumped in, in her clothes,

Splashed water on the floor.


Grandma sighed. “I think that you

Forgot to get undressed.”

“Come in with me,” Carrie begged.

“Come on, this is the best!


Grandma laughed, but shook her head,

“I can’t, I’ve got bad knees;

It’s hard to get up, once I’m in.”

“Oh, come on, Grandma, please!”


“Oh, what the heck, why not?” Gran said.

She laughed, and splashed right in.

Carrie grinned and put some bubbles

on her Grandma’s chin.


Grandma sent a splash her way,

 And Carrie sent one back;

Big splashes, lots of laughing;

Bathroom door opened a crack.


Mom peeked in and looked at them.

“Are you two having fun?”

Both were giggling; Grandma said,

“Could you help me up, Hon?”


“That was super” Carrie said.

“Gran, let’s do that again!”

Gran struggled up and kissed her cheek;

“Might be months ‘fore I can.


Maybe next time you and I

could take a walk instead.

She smiled. “I love you, little girl!

Now, I am off to bed.”


Carrie, in her jammies, said,

“I think Gran’s cool, don’t you?”

Mom laughed. “Yep, she’s the coolest,

and she thinks you’re real cool, too!”





Poem For A Child contest entry

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