General Fiction posted July 9, 2024

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lesson learned and forgotten

The More Noise You Make...

by jim vecchio

Believe it or not, I have a memory from those days, so many years ago, when I was an infant in the crib.

My bottle had run out of milk. I cried loudly. Soon, my father brought to me a new bottle.

Of course, that ran out and I cried again for me.

My father got out of bed and brought me another.

Realizing all I needed to do was cry a bit and my wish would be granted, I carried on until, upon the final trip, the bottle was filled with water.

I guess I had consumed all the milk in the fridge.

My infant mind had learned the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Unfortunately, through the years, I have lost my ability to benefit from that learning.

In my Assisted Living situation, very often those who take my mealtime orders omit a portion of the order.

Rather than complain, I hold my peace. I think of what a busy day the staff are having and do not want to add to their stress.

Just this morning, I ordered cheerios and a muffin. The muffin never came. I said nothing.

Of course, this new strategy of silence has paid off as well.

We had a new staff in the cafeteria.

One day she smiled and handed me a handwritten note. She thanked me for being a blessing to her, and my attitude which helped her get through her day at work.

My blessing to her turned out to be a blessing to me.

First Memory writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
What is your earliest memory? Get descriptive in telling us about that memory in as much detail as you can remember. Try not to put your adult sensibilities into it. Keep it to the point of view of the child you were.

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