General Non-Fiction posted July 8, 2024

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This memory formed my love for horses

A Long Time Ago

by prettybluebirds

I remember standing with my nose pressed against the screen door, waiting until I finally heard the sounds I was listening for--the jingle of harness and clip-clop of horse's hooves. Dad was returning home after a long day working in the fields.
I would run screaming, "Daddy, ride horsey." My dad would scoop me up and toss me on one of the horses. I can still recall the feel of the horse's sweaty hide between my legs and smell the warm, horsey aroma of the animal. It was the highlight of my day.
My mother was surprised when I mentioned that memory to her in later years. She said my father switched from horses to farming with a tractor in late nineteen-forty-nine, and the horses were sold. That would have made me a little over three years old, but the memory must have made such an impression on my young mind that it stuck with me all my life.
That memory might also have triggered my love for horses. Over the years, I owned many lovely animals and often rescued neglected and starved horses. But that's another story for another time.

First Memory writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
What is your earliest memory? Get descriptive in telling us about that memory in as much detail as you can remember. Try not to put your adult sensibilities into it. Keep it to the point of view of the child you were.

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The photo is of my dad's team of horses, Pet and Bell.
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