Family Non-Fiction posted July 7, 2024

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My earliest memory that I remember.

The First Fire

by Samantha Wymer

My earliest memory is when my Grandpa Jones would give me a little brown paper bag filled coforful assorted candy. Sometimes he would throw a piece of chocolate in there, I can't remember exactly what kind it was 
While I was eating happily on my candy, Grandpa Jones would tell me stories of our ancestors, the Cherokee. 
The story I remember the most was a Cherokee Legend about the first fire. 
"In the beginning of time," grandpa says, "the world was dark and cold. There was no fire."
According the grandpa, the thunders sent their lighting and put fire into the bottom of a tree that sit on an island. All the animals could see the smoke and wanted to get the fire. 
"The first animal to offer was the raven," grandpa says reaching into the pocket of his red flannel shirt to get his skol out to dip. 
Grandpa moved his arms and did sign language with his hands to tell the story to me. 
The raven flew to the island to get the fire. When he burned his feathers, he was so afraid he flew back. 
"When the raven failed, grandpa says, "the screech owl offered to go get the fire. When the blast of hot air came up and hurt the owls eye, he flew back."
The owl could hardly see after that. 
I can't remember much about the owl.
All the birds tried and fail to get the fire. 
The racer snake said he can through the water and bring back the fire. The snakes body got burned black and is now known as The Black Snake. 
Many animals tried and failed. 
The world was still very cold and they had no fire.
One brave Water Spider offered to run on top of the water or dive into the bottom. 
She spun a thread from her body to wove into a tusti bowl that she fasten on her back. 
After she swam to the island, she got one little coal of fire and put it in her bowl. 
She brought the fire back and this is how fire came into the world. 
I'm sure I didn't write the whole story, but I can't remember much of nothing else. I know Grandpa was babysitting me, the good candy, and the first fire story.
I remember Grandpa talking while chewing that smelly skol that he dipped the whole time. 

First Memory writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
What is your earliest memory? Get descriptive in telling us about that memory in as much detail as you can remember. Try not to put your adult sensibilities into it. Keep it to the point of view of the child you were.

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