General Non-Fiction posted July 7, 2024

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I was happy to have my mother home.

Baby is Home

by HarryT

I was two years old when my parents brought my baby brother, Dominic, home from Lying Inn Hospital in Chicago, ten days after his birth. We lived in a second-floor apartment on Ashland Avenue that had a porch that overlooked a gangway that separated our building from the building next door. I was standing on the porch looking between the slats in the railing when I saw my dad carrying a suitcase and my mom holding a white and blue blanketed bundle. They climbed the back stairs and walked on to the back porch. My mother called out, “Sonny, come see your new brother.”

First Memory writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
What is your earliest memory? Get descriptive in telling us about that memory in as much detail as you can remember. Try not to put your adult sensibilities into it. Keep it to the point of view of the child you were.

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