Fantasy Fiction posted July 4, 2024

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The king's final words to his people

Final Words of a King

by Erika Whittle

The enemy army had completely taken over the city. The surviving citizens had taken refuge within the palace. The remaining soldiers guarded the walls, defending the last stronghold of a once beautiful kingdom. King Alabaster, stood regally above the crowd and addressed his people for the last time. Golden cups of wine were passed among the citizens and soldiers alike.

"Citizens, though we have lost the war and the enemy is upon us, remember your pride as Beranians. The lives we've live, the accomplishments we've achieved, the morals we stand by, all will remain within the pages of history. Let us be remembered as the kingdom who would not yield under pressure. Do not regret doing what's right. Refusing to participate in the genocide of the surrounding nations may have lead to our demise. But in the end, we will all stand before our God with clean conscience. This is holy ground, and the fear of our Lord is greater than the fear of men. May God judge the Tarrians according to their deeds. Raise your glasses and join in me in our last stand. We shall not let those heathens decide our fate. To Beran and to our Lord." The king raised his glass to the sky.

"To Beran and to our Lord." The people shouted loudly, shaking the walls with their cries.

With a sip of wine, the people fell one by one, ready to meet their God. A loud sound was heard as the enemy forces broke through the gate. The sky was red and there was fire and billows of smoke. The Tarr general screamed in rage upon the discovery of his stolen victory. History recorded the kingdom of Beran as the heroes of their time. They refused to bow down to the enemy until their last moments, and upheld their beliefs with pride.

The End

Final Words writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Your character is going to die within moments. What are the final words? Describe the circumstances of the pending death. Fiction only.
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