General Poetry posted July 3, 2024

A runaway finds herself in big trouble

The Runaway

by Pamusart

Just yesterday she roamed the streets
but now she's chained to other girls
They're with a man who prods and beats
She's lost her bouncy head of curls

It started when she ran away
was fifteen when this all began
She begged for money ev'ry day
At night she looked for any man

She made a living turning tricks
and got addicted to some drugs
Was someone men just tried to fix
She longed to feel her fam'ly's hugs

It seems she's caught inside a net
So many men just rent her out
Not one of them she's ever met
It does no good to scream or shout

She's in a filthy crowded room
She knows she can't afford to cry
Her efforts to escape are doomed
There's not a tear; her face is dry

She's shocked and really needs a fix
Her body trembles with the fear
that beating her gives him some kicks
Instead some needed drugs appear

Control is utmost in his mind
He knows that she'll do anything
He knows the drugs will make her blind
from ecstasy that drugs will bring.

This human trafficking is hot
It's got our sons and daughters too
It will not end until they're caught
Too late for some who had no clue



I hope the poem speaks for itself. If not, please let me know

This is fiction

Credit google for the image

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