General Flash Fiction posted July 3, 2024

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Phil says his final words.

The Last Words of Dad

by Raul1

Phil is on his bed resting with his children. He knows that they have a strong emotional connection to them. He is touching their hearts. He has only today to live and his family knows it. They are all crying. 
"I know that you will all miss me very much. You have a strong connection with me. If I leave you will feel lonely and helpless, but you must move on. You need to be strong because I will always be in your heart." Dad says. 
"Yes, dad. We know," his daughter says sighing.
They all nodded in agreement. Hours are passing by and he knows that he will be gone. 
"I have left a will for you all and you are not left behind. You each will have a share of my money. I love you all. You will be with me again in God's Kingdom. Remember to be strong for me," dad says. 
Phil took his last breath and passes away. The doctor studies his pulse and gives the time of death. The family cries and grieves his death. It will take time for them to move on. Phil's family read his will, one person at a time. They are understanding what it means.

Final Words writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Your character is going to die within moments. What are the final words? Describe the circumstances of the pending death. Fiction only.
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