Supernatural Flash Fiction posted July 26, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
A gift from the heart.

The Night of the Jeweled Bird

by papa55mike

Dwight thinks this day is as dreary as all the others, and time is creeping by until heaven calls him home to her. Though it seems like yesterday, it's been six months since his wife, Chris, passed away. He knows the family meant well in bringing the old grandpa along with them on vacation, but it only made him miss her more.
Ronni hollers at Dwight, "Grandpa, come on. It's time for our hike through the jungle to see the pretty bird." She grabs his hand and begins to tug.
"Ronni, you look like your Grandma. You have the same brown curls and hazel eyes. Your smile is radiant, like hers. But I wish I had your six-year-old energy. I'm coming, sweetie. You can lead me anywhere."
An hour later, the sky let loose a deluge that requires them to escape to a nearby cave. Ronni nuzzles against Kim in mid-snore while Dan watches the rain from the entrance. Dwight is so proud of his daughter. She married a good man who cherishes them both. They've built a strong family and have a beautiful home in Nashville.
The daily shower has passed, and we continue on our journey, looking for the Jeweled Bird. We stumble into a small village, and in the center of the town is a totem with a spectacular bird at the top covered in many precious stones. Ronni is fascinated by the object and the deep red, purple, yellow, and green colors that flow from the glowing stones. It is a magnificent creation. 
Ronni slides her little hand in Dwight's and says, "It's pretty, Grandpa."
"Yes, darling, it's lovely." That's when Dwight swears the bird, which looks like a Parrot, turns slightly and winks at him with a sly smile. "Did you see that, Ronni?"
"Yeah, Grandpa. The bird likes you."
Dan, Kim, and Ronni went to the luau to watch the fire dance, but Dwight was too tired and had dinner in his room. He's sitting in a comfortable chair on the terrace, watching the incredible ocean sunset explode across the horizon. 
His eyelids begin to droop when he sees a flash of brilliant color to his right. It's a bird of some kind coming towards him. The glow of countless colors cascades throughout the terrace, creating a rainbow around Dwight. The glowing creature lands on the railing and smiles at him. Its bright eyes study Dwight, then asks in an island accent, "You are sad, my friend?"
"Not really, just missing someone special."
"Ah, a mate who has passed on. A love of many years. But you are in paradise, my friend, where love grows on trees."
"That is for the younger generation, filled with passion."
The glowing bird says, "But there is one who waits for you right here. You will find a dream waiting behind you."
The lights dim in the room. Dwight turns around and takes a few steps. A sensuous figure stands by the bed. It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust, and then a hand gently caresses his cheek. The voice of an angel says, "Oh, Dwight."
Their bodies wrap together in a powerful embrace and kiss. They fall onto the bed and make passionate love.
The following day, Dwight wakes with a smile. The dreams of last night fill his mind. He slips off the covers to find the lai of orchids Chris was wearing on the pillow beside him.
"Then it wasn't a dream. Oh, I love you, Chris."

Many thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day, and God bless.
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