General Poetry posted June 28, 2024

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This debate showed us what is already...

Painfully Obvious

by Boogienights

I've been a Trump fan for a while, but...
last night's debate didn't make me smile. 
I felt sorry for Biden, no longer hiding,
though this country, he managed to defile.
No one wants to see anyone fail,
this man was confused, and so frail.
It's elder abuse, for his wife, I've no use,
as she let him blaze this awful trail.
Dems can't claim this was a "Cheap Fake",
it was live, Joe made quite a mistake...
By challenging Trump, who shined on the stump,
Joe stared blankly, was he even awake?
Trump said something that I thought profound,
if Biden, as President were sound...
He'd have never come back, but this country's off track, 
I hope he saves us this time around.
Biden voters should now reconsider,
Trump is sharper and physically fitter.
Though Biden does embarrass, the alternative? K. Harris!
The thought of that makes me quite bitter.
I fear for our country right now,
if our enemies missed It somehow...
They now know Biden's weak, he barely can speak,
Trump will help save us all, that's his vow!

Your Take On The Debate writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type about last night's debate between Biden and Trump. It can be humorous, serious, or even a commentary.
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