Satire Poetry posted June 24, 2024

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Biden vs Trump contest entry

So Sick and Tired of this Sh@#!

by GoWiSt

I hope Biden wins the popular vote,

But Trump the electoral--barely.

I hope there’s a huge ballot-box controversy

And the matter goes to court,

But the judges are split,

And the case drags on for years.

I hope the voting machines malfunction

And suspicions on absentee voting arise.

I hope voter turnout is low

For both parties.

I hope many Democrats vote Republican

And Republicans vote Democrat.

I hope Independents stand transfixed at the ballots,

Never deciding which way to cast.

I hope Trump is sentenced to prison

In multiple states,

But that he campaigns from his cell

And wins more support.

I hope Biden forgets his own name

At the debates,

And where he is,

And what he’s there for.

I hope Trump pounces on this,

Insults and jeers him,

But gets booed as a backlash.

I hope the candidates could have been different—

Not even necessarily better—

From both parties.

But, ahh, who am I kidding?

This is the frickin’ U S of A,

Where we love to do things

Arse up!

Biden versus Trump?

Either way, we’re sunk!

God bless America!

Biden vs Trump writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type on the topic of Trump vs Biden

Was in a cynical mood as I wrote this, so whatever!
As bad as both candidates appear to be, Biden is clearly--obviously--the much better choice of the two. Doesn't take rocket-science to see this.
But, for now, down the rabbit hole we go!
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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