Horror and Thriller Fiction posted June 23, 2024 Chapters:  ...21 22 -23- 24... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
Easy prey.

A chapter in the book Lair Of The Seductress

Weaker Man

by Douglas Goff

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.
The author has placed a warning on this post for language.

Previous Chapters:

A truck driver had an unfortunate encounter with the mysterious Lilith. She killed three men the year before while Greg was dealing with the hag. Now she is back with a vengeance and Wolf Bend Chief Greg Harsen is called to the scene by FBI Agent David Harkins, a man who really dislikes him. What Greg finds awakens him to the realization that more bad things are coming for him and his little town. Further, Harkins managed to wrangle him into Task Force Ash, which was created to capture the killer.

A county wide call-out for a jail riot interrupted the hunt for Lilith. At the riot, Greg finds out that Jenny's violent ex-husband, Lenny Benslow, has escaped from the jail. They race to his cabin, but Greg's beloved wife had been taken. Through good investigation techniques, they may have found the bad guys' hideout. A shootout ensues, with Jesse getting shot while they rescue Jenny. When Greg went after Lenny to finish him, Sheriff Watson convinced him to take the felon back into custody. Batty Betty Benslow was taken into custody for assisting with Lenny's escape.

Greg thought he was in for a rest, but another Lilith victim, 'Satin Shorts' had been found revealing new clues. Then Greg and Jesse found Lilith's lair, getting closer to the killer. Then Greg had a meeting in the alley with Lilith where he barely escaped with his life. At the same time, the taskforce has been getting nowhere. Finally, Lilith revealed herself as Officer Katie Kelsey when she killed FBI Agent Kenneth Lee. An unaware Greg walked into her trap.

Jesse and Jenny are racing to Greg's aid, but will they make it in time . . . 

New Chapter:

The succubus paced back and forth in front of Greg, still completely naked, her long red hair flailing back and forth. Her wings and tail trembled with excitement. She looked at the restrained man and smiled mischievously, licking her lips. “I’m enjoying the challenge.”

“I’m not.” Greg replied with much more strength than he felt. 

Lilith continued to pace back and forth while panting. 

“So why kill the Stoggers? They don’t fit.” Greg was stalling the inevitable. “Don’t tell me that little ass kicking pissed you off?”

“The old man, Lennox, was wearing steel-toed boots. When he was kicking me he saw my statuesque face of protection, so I had to finish him. In that form nothing from your physical world can hurt me. It’s how I survived the wreck with the bull. A crash like that would have killed any mortal.” 

“And Starky and Tate?”

“Couldn't risk that Lennox hadn’t told them. No loose ends, Greg. That’s how I’ve survived for so long.” She froze in her tracks and listened intently. Her wings and tail rapidly retracted back into her body leaving no trace of their existence.

“Freeze!” The door behind the succubus swung open and there stood Agent David Harkins, his Beretta .40 pointed at the woman’s back. The succubus winked at Greg who expected more members of Task Force Ash to storm in behind Harkins. They didn’t.

“Turn around slowly, Lilith. Don’t make me kill you.” 

The woman slowly turned, seeing immediately that Harkins appreciative eyes wandered to her exposed breasts and lower regions.  

“Damn. She’s quite a looker, isn’t she, Chief? Sorry to interupt your little party.”

“David. Listen to me. You need to get out of here. Come back with more officers.” Please don’t tell me you’re alone, Harkins. “She’s going to kill you.”

“Nonsense, Chief. She’s butt-naked, and if she so much as blinks, I’m going to drop her.”

“David, your gun won’t hurt her.” Shit. He’s alone. Stupid move.

“What’re you talking about? Oh, I see. Chief Greg Harsen is the only one who can lone ranger it.” The FBI Agent smirked. “The only one who can get the glory.”

“It isn’t like that, Harkins.” How do I get through to him? “She’s not human. She’s a succub—”

“Save your nonsense, Chief. I didn’t buy the supernatural rumors from the Morgan case and I don’t buy your glory-seeking BS now. This time, I’m taking in the bad guy, all by myself. I didn’t let the other taskforce members know, so I can get the credit for the arrest and for saving the infallible Chief Harsen. This time it’s ME!”

Didn’t let the others know? Oh shit. 

“Are you married, Dave?” Lilith licked her lips as she stared at his wedding ring with a hint of anticipation. 

“Thirty-three years, but she sure doesn't look anything like you.” Harkins studied her nudity one more time. “Now put your hands on your head and get down on your knees.”

“If that’s how you like it, Dave.” Lilith got down on her knees and placed her hands on her head. 

The agent pulled out his handcuffs with his left hand, while keeping his weapon trained on her with his right. He took a step forward. 

“Harkins! Free me first, before you approach her.” Greg tried one last time. 

“Give it a rest, Chief. You’re not sharing in my collar.” The man circled around to the backside of Lilith and grabbed her hands. A smile spread across his face when he smelled her, causing him to close his eyes and take in a deep whiff. “Damn, you smell . . . good.”

“So do you, baby.” Lilith rose to her feet, keeping a hold on the man’s hands. She spun around facing him. “Kiss me.”

“I really shouldn’t,” Harkins mumbled.

“Snap out of it, David!” Greg yanked hard against his chains. 

“He just wants me all to himself.” Lilith kissed the man on the lips. “Chief doesn’t want to share.”

“Yeah, Chief just wants you all to himself.” Harkins handcuffs clinked on the floor, followed by the thud of his pistol.

“Weak men are easy, Greg.” Lilith led the man to the stone table. 

No. No. No! Greg turned away, unwilling to watch what was about to happen. He’s in her web of confusion now, and there’s nothing I can do. 

Greg scanned his immediate area. There was nothing close enough for him to grab. No pipes, bars, nothing. Then his eyes fell on something shining in the candle light. It was a bloody badge inside of a credential carrier. Squinting, he could just make out the name Kenneth Lee. 

Just past the dead agent’s badge was a pile of clothes. It was his own, and he could see the handgrip of Bass peeking out from the side. It didn’t matter, because even if it wasn’t too far away, the weapon had little effect on the succubus.  

He heard Lilith whisper, “Tell me you want me.”

“I shouldn’t. I’m a married man.”

“Tell me and I’ll give you all you want.” 

“She’s going to kill you, David.” Greg shook his head. 

“Yes. I want you.” Then it started. Greg could avert his eyes, but he couldn’t cover his ears. He could hear heavy sucking and kissing sounds. Surprisingly, it didn’t pass the face-sucking stage. Claws extended from Lilith’s hand and the screaming started. 

The sounds of Harkin’s pure terror caused Greg to look. The man was standing in front of her, his chest torn apart, then fell backwards onto the floor. Lilith was holding the man’s bloody heart in her hand high above her head. “Completus sum!” 

The heart burst into bright red flames, sending the woman into a tremble of ecstasy. Writhing, she went to her knees. After panting for a few moments, Lilith reached out and placed a small pile of ashes on the stone table. They were the remnants of Harkin’s heart.

“That’s an old form of latin meaning, ‘I am complete.’”

“How romantic.” Greg shook his head.  

The succubus slowly rose, and stared at him. “You’re next.”

“Never.” After what I just saw? Ain't happening. 

“Awww Greg, are you jealous? Did you think I was going to mate with your nemesis? The sacrifice is always so much more intense after coupling, but I couldn’t stand the man. Besides, I’m waiting for you. Your scent is the only thing I can think about now. The intensity when we come together will be unmatched. Harkin’s was just a treat to hold me over until you’re ready.”

“I’ll never be ready.”

The succubus screeched at him and extended her wings and tail. After grabbing Harkin’s gun, she took flight and headed out of the skylight. She’s checking to see if David really was alone. I’ve got to figure something out, or I’m going to die just like he did.

Three more chapters!
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