General Poetry posted June 22, 2024 Chapters:  ...153 154 -155- 156... 

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aka Bereft I'm Left Holding a Jug of Miracle Gro

A chapter in the book Aiona's Poems

Stepped on by a Raccoon

by Aiona

Crushed flat by a paw
The finest fertilizer
Still won't make you grow

5 Line Poem contest entry

I woke up this morning, and discovered deer had raided my garden, ate all the heads off my sunflowers and broccoli, and a raccoon, by the paw print, crushed one of my two remaining basil seedlings. LOL! I give up. I'll just write and buy my vegetables instead.

Thank you to willie for letting Fanstory writers use "Rascal" with their writing.

As Robert Burns' said in his famous poem "To a Mouse," "The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men/Gang aft agley."
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by willie at

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