General Poetry posted June 20, 2024

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The brothers hope to see Father Christmas

Christmas Eve Escapade

by Terry Reilly

The twins lay silently in bed, their parents thought they slept.

But they were sure their promise to each other would be kept.

They planned to stay awake this cold and frosty Christmas Eve.

To witness Santa’s coming with the gifts they would receive.

Bill had set his watch alarm to ring at ten past ten.

“Ding ding, ding ding” disturbed the peace, the first to rise was Ben.

“Let’s make our way downstairs” he whispered to his brother Bill.

“We’ll hide behind the sofa and keep very, very still.”

They laid in wait for many minutes, then they heard a noise.

The sound of scrambling down the chimney startled both the boys.

“He’s here” breathed Ben, “let’s take a peek, they say that he’s an elf.”

“I’m scared”, said Bill, “you check him out; please do it by yourself.”

So Ben peeked round the sofa, amazed that he could see

a bearded gnome arranging gifts beneath the Christmas tree.

His scarlet robes hung loose in folds he chuckled, “hoh,hoh,hoh.”

Ben beckoned Bill, “come take a look, you gotta see this bro.”

Bill peeked beneath his brother’s arm and opened wide his eyes.

For Santa downed a whisky glass and scoffed a few mince pies.

He looked around then smiled and belched, and stroked his ample tum,

then shuffling across the room to vanish up the lum.*

The boys heard scuffling on the roof and Santa shouting, “Mush!

We’ve still got plenty left to do, you reindeers better rush!”

When they were sure the coast was clear the boys approached the tree.

Two new parcels, side by side; they danced and squealed with glee.

All too late they recognised, that gave the game away.

The landing light came on upstairs, they heard their mother say:

“Why are you children not in bed, please come upstairs right now?”

Bill looked at Ben, his face was pale, his brother whispered “wow!”

“Guess we’re in trouble, Bill” he said, “I think we’re in disgrace.”

“Well Happy Christmas, Ben” said Bill, a grin upon his face.

“Remember we’ve seen Santa Claus, that’s such a massive plus.

Whatever’s going to happen next, I think it’s worth the fuss!”

Children's rhyming poem. writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a rhyming poem for a young child. Any length.

I hope children of a certain age might like this festive tale.
*lum: a British dialect word for chimney.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by helvi2 at

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