General Poetry posted June 20, 2024

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Things children must do but don't want to

Mommy, Must I?

by Monica Chaddick

Mommy, must I tie my shoes?

Yes, my love, it's something you must do.

Mommy, my vegetables taste bad.

I know, but you leaving them makes me sad.

Mommy, must my jacket zip?

Yes, without it your health may slip.

Mommy, I don't want to wear my boots.

But jumping in puddles will be a hoot.

Mommy, must I go to bed?

If you don't, your stories won't get read.

Mommy, do you love me true?

Because of all these things, you know I do.

Children's rhyming poem. writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a rhyming poem for a young child. Any length.
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