Humor Poetry posted June 17, 2024

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out loud

Sleep Talking

by pome lover



I turn out the light after reading about

A good guy who’s trying to solve crimes;

I hope tonight I can just zonk until morn,

Not talk in my sleep, like most times.


When one spends years living alone I have found,

Weird habits are given free reign;

I argue, quite smartly, in sleep, (yes I do)

and think, proudly, “Way to go, Brain!”


But in real life, I’ve found that the brain’s slowin’ down,

And friends are always telling me

“You’ve already told me that millions of times.”

I go back to dreams, thankfully.


However, in them, I do rant a whole lot,

and offer my own POV :)

Then, even in sleep I must realize that,

“the loony bin’s waitin’ for me!”


At least I don’t sleep walk, at night, (thank the Lord)

And wander in my neighborhood

Talking out loud, as I lurch down the street,

They’d put me away for good!


I dreamed of the eye surgery that I had last,

When over, I asked doc, I think,

If, while asleep, I had talked much out loud;

He smiled and he gave me a wink.


Oh, horrors! Embarrassing! Heavenly days!

What in the world did I say?

It’s best if I leave that alone, (don’t’cha think?)

For what’s said, is said, anyway.


Then, wide awake, back to my mystery book;

I read until eyes gladly close,

And dream of the “good guy” who’s trying to solve crimes—

I’ll help him with them, I suppose. :)

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