General Non-Fiction posted June 9, 2024

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Travelling to the rainforest ...

by Heather Knight


Something extraordinary happened today. I was invited to go on an Amazon expedition. For real.

Some months ago, I met a Peruvian scientist and explorer, and I started following her on Instagram. I told her how much I admired her and added that if she needed somebody to write for her, I’d happily oblige. I imagined she’d ignore my message, but, surprisingly, she DMd me a few days later. Apparently, she needed someone to write a blog about the rainforest.

Since then I’ve been researching and writing, but, as I told her, I’ll continue exploring vicariously through her. Much safer.


True Story Flash contest entry


Some months ago, I went to a teachers conference. I arrived when the event was about to start and I sat in the first row (all the other seats were taken).
When the first talk started, I realised I was sitting next to the speakers.

The girl on my right was Rosa Vasquez Espinosa, a scientist and National Geographic explorer (National Geographic also publishes textbooks).

And that was the beginning of my virtual Amazon adventure.

Thanks for reading.

Please do watch the video below, which not surprisingly, became viral.

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