General Poetry posted June 1, 2024

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Pause and reflect on everything.

Pause For A Moment

by Daniel Fernandes

Pause for a moment in this living catastrophe. We all have a purpose other than sharing earth's gravity. Starting from square one with a scar called bankruptcy. Living with adrenaline because the trill comes natrually. 
Dopamine doesn't know what's good for us. Joy is temporary like a grudge. Chasing pleasure just because. Spaving the savings and going nuts. Speaking the truth so people will judge. Face the fact and deal with it for once. If there's a problem let the two discuss. Don't isolate yourself because of lack of trust.
A recession is around the corner. Inflation is to blame although it's torture. Funny because it's suppose to keep us in order. The value of a dollar is starting to feel like a quarter. 
Take a step back and kick up your feet. Slap the stress away as if it's guaranteed. Reflect on yourself as you would a dream. Sleeping in but to a certain degree.
Loyalty is a skill now since noone knows how to love. Everyone is emotionless when push comes to shove. Desire switched up like when dropping the clutch. Lost your grip so much that you can out of luck.
As you know time doesn't tolerate excuses. Lessons are learned and some with bruises. Careless and ruthless actions somewhat stupid. Compress the thoughts until you're conscious is like who's this? 
Flick off the demons like a cigarette. Controling the stress will have it's benefits. Carish every second even if it feels useless or else you'll dread in discomfort like those who reminiscence. Eating a few gummies but just for the effects. How can one not when life is this complex.
Everything on wheels is different from one another. The beauty of nature is revealed during summer. Souls are lost like a forest undiscovered. Keep your expectations low like the rifle of a hunter.
Russia considers the US an enemy state if things were to escalate we have to bail and that's no debate. History has taught us that with violence bullets only fuel the hate. More bodies fall depending on who can shoot straight. Tears will flow like rivers for the widows who carry the weight. Graveyards store the dead but everyone has a taste. I have written my final poem just in case we have a horrifying update, because we all know they can press that button whenever they feel it's appropriate.
Boeing is looking the other way while silencing a few whistleblowers. Two down a dozen left, and that's it. It's over. A government protected company without a disclosure. Ignoring regulations because that's what they prefer. Their stock continue to rise which is absurd. I have puts on them but no profit returns. The world is aware of their flaws but no lawyer can observe. The CEO is resigning, why is that not a concern? This is America I guess that's what we deserve. If we get what we want we will die overworked.
Stress can make the body more sensitive to pain. Don't lose yourself over things we can't explain. Take a breath and maybe we can remain sane. Life is a bitch but on occasion you can't complain.
Pause for a moment because you might not have the chance to. Reflect in your choices but from a different pair of shoes. Respect is running low leaving most people cold and bruised. Karma goes missing the same day you feel abused.
America is not what it used to be. You can't go grocery shopping anymore without feeling miserable with what you receive. Success will be reflected through effort at least that's what I used to believe. I've bleed for most of the things I achieved. Suffocating on nothing so why is it difficult to breathe? Working forever to buy a house just to feel complete. Holding onto faith during moments of defeat and yet here in the same bubble paralyzed in disbelief.

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