General Fiction posted May 29, 2024 |
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Pretty much a rambling
by Bryce 1

He walked along the railroad tracks waiting for his phone to buzz. He awaited a call that will tell him where to proceed with his business. It's been a while now and they were supposed to call fifteen minutes ago. He's worried. He has waited for a call like this only a few times in his life and this one seems to be the most important. To make a long story short, he has been involved with some dangerous people. That is why he contacted them in the first place, because he needed something dangerous done. There was a girl he was seeing who due to a drunken night, heard way too much info from him. She heard details about his business that only he and his partners should know. In fact, if anyone else were to find out, they'd either need to be made a partner in the biz, or dealt with accordingly. The business is run on secrets and if they were found out by the wrong people, all would be lost.
Anyway, she was somewhere else now. She was somewhere worth finding though. So our man hired another man to find and deal with her. This deal was discreet and advised to be carried out with complete discretion. It had been twenty minutes after the plan was supposed to be executed or rather before she was to be. He walked along the tracks, waiting so desperately for confirmation of her untimely passing. At the twenty three minute mark he saw a small car slowly approaching him. He thought it pretty strange for a car to be off roading as it was, and in combination with the call he was so eagerly awaiting, he thought it best to walk the other way. The car sped up and caught up to him. By that time, he was hiding behind an abandoned train trolley in complete and utter fear and paranoia.
It is reported here that he urinated in his pants when he locked eyes with our under cover police chief, Jones. Jones was the man our man here hired to kill his one time lover and secret stealer. The chase had only just begun though.
Our man ran for the hills, literally. He went for the mountains in the distance and at the same time fired his pistol at us. The squad car Jones was driving took a bullet to the front left tire but proceeded on towards the perp. The ground turned too rocky so Jones had to run on foot. At this time, we were already heading in that direction to provide back up and seal the deal already. Jones reported to us that the perp had made his way up the mountain but can be seen clear as day climbing up it. So, with that knowledge in tow, our sniper arrived. He came loaded with a .50 calibur gun that shot tranquilizer darts, the newest in police weaponery. To shorten the story yet again, our man was shot and unfortunatley, on the way down from the mountain, hit his head pretty hard. He fell about thirty or fourty feet before he eventually came to a stop. He was unconcious the whole time of course and it seems that did us more harm than good. He received amnesia from the fall and forget dam near every thing about what sent him up there in the first place. He only remembers the girl.
So, anyway, we booked him. He spent some time in jail but ended up in the psych ward. He regained conciousness but his memory bank seems to have a permenant hole in it. He can't remember a dam thing anymore. But years ago, I gave him a visit. I had been on his case for a long time and I wanted to see for myself if his little amnesia was not just a long con of his to avoid the brig sentence he would receive. I walked up to him. I think he was playing chess or cards or something. He seemed just fine to me. But when I sat down next to him and he noticed my face, he immediatley retreated from his calm composure. I opened my mouth to ask him a question but he interuppted me. He asked me "Is she gone?". I rose from my seat, captured the memory of his trembling face before me waiting in such anticipation for that long awaited answer, pulled out my gun and shot everyone in that place through the eyes. I didn't even have to reload. I'm a crack shot. He started crying and even pissed his pants. I knelt down next to him and whispered in his ear so softly, "She's buried'. He cried. I knew there was one left in the chamber. I put it up to my head and pulled the trigger. Guess I was wrong.
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