General Poetry posted May 28, 2024

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Pie in the sky!

Gary Had A Little Ham

by Shirley Ann Bunyan

Gary had a little ham.
In fact, it was a pig.
He took it to the abattoir
although it wasn't big.

It made the workers laugh and joke
to see a pig so small.
They said, "You’ll have to bring it back
much fatter overall."

So Gary took his pig back home
and fed him sausage pie
with bacon rolls and porky bites.
The pig was on a high.

They played a game of hide and seek
'till nearly time for bed,
snugly curled up by the fire,
Gary stroking piggy’s head.

A mutual affection
quickly grew between the two.
Little piggy didn't know
the plan that wasn't carried through.

Gary had a little ham
who grew into a friend.
They lived together happily
until the very end.


Mother Goose Redux writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Rewrite a favorite nursery rhyme. Choose a well-known offering from Mother Goose and tweak it. It could be modernized, politicized, adultified, etc. Add humor, horror, modern lingo... Get creative.
Make sure the original rhyme is still identifiable.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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