General Poetry posted May 28, 2024

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the wizard and the knave

The Voice With The Power

by jim vecchio

There is a wizard
Whose magic is tops
He’d make a blizzard
Turn to lollipops

He’ll say an odd word,
Change a thing or two
When that word is heard
He will chant to you:

“Watch me take this cat
-Place it by your eyes
Look! it’s changed! A hat!
-This is my surprise!"

"Now I’ll take this stone
And this rotten log
-See! Now it’s a bone
Feed it to your dog!"

"I’m the greatest man!
Do any alive
Challenge if you can
And still breathe and thrive?”

“Yes, I challenge you!”
Said a lowly knave,
“Will your spells ring true?
Let’s see who will rave?”

“Challenge? I accept!
Now what shall I do?”

In the air, knave leapt
“What’s too big for you?”

“Nothing is too big!
I’m greatest of all!
Detestable pig,
Do you try to stall?”

“I know one who’s Tall
To Him you’re a worm
Now on Him I call
And I’ll watch you squirm!”

“This thing I do crave!
None’s too great for me!
Come, now, if you’re brave
This thing I must see!”

Wizard mocked and laughed,
Opened wide his eyes,
“Greater?! You’re daft!
I’ll cut him to size!”

Then the earth did shake
Knave did drop and kneel
There was no earthquake
But a voice to feel

It fell from the skies
And lodged in the heart,
To wizard, unwise
‘Twas a piercing dart!

“Knave, stand up! Please rise!”
Knave heard wizard’s voice!
“No one is His size!
In Him, I’ll rejoice!”

Magic Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a rhyming poem about a wizard whose spells always rhyme. The rhyme scheme is ABAB
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