General Fiction posted May 25, 2024

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Doomsday contest entry

Broken Moon

by DragonSkulls

It was Sunday, April twenty-sixth, at eight-seventeen P.M; when the world
watched as the moon was struck by a massive meteor that was three quarters
its own size. It hit with such velocity that it literally burst the moon into pieces.
From the explosion, the biggest of the chunks was hurled straight at our earth.

The predictions gave a time frame of two days before impact at the speed it was
traveling. There was nothing we could do. Once that chunk of the moon hit earth,
it would totally kill every living thing on the face of the planet...everything.

Monday morning at nine A.M; the daily FanStory prompt was another 5-7-5. Out
of the eighteen entries, just like any big news, fifteen of them were about the
upcoming collision between the earth and moon.

The deadline for the contest passed and there was a single entry that was short by
one syllable. Rather than simply disqualifying the piece, the committee offered them
twenty-four hours to fix their entry.

It was nearly ten P.M; Tuesday night, well after the twenty-four hours, and the piece
still had not been edited to comply.

The world came to an end before the contest even made it to booth.


Sunday, Monday, Doomsday... writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a flash fiction story up to 700 words that involves a doomsday scenario. Anything goes, but the end of the world, or its perception, must be a driving force in your story.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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