Spiritual Flash Fiction posted May 17, 2024

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What God does in my life

God's Meaning in My Life

by Monica Chaddick

God has always been in my life. As long as I can remember, even when we didn't go to church, God was present in my life. I have developed an aversion to 'organized "religion". I am an ordained minister. I know some people think that doesn't count, but I take it seriously.

I speak to God on a daily basis, sometimes multiple times a day. He visits me in my thoughts and dreams. I know that He is with me always, no matter what. My faith is strong, although I don't attend an organized church.

I have considered starting my own kind of church, but I just don't know if people would go for it. I know God is there, guiding everything we do every minute of every day. He has lots of work to do, because Satan is working on us all the time, also.

At this point in my life, I am estranged from my daughter and granddaughter. Although I hate that this is happening, I know that God is with me and helping me through this. Sometimes, I feel a bit of doubt, but He rights it quickly.

In the last four nights, I have had four dreams. Three were about my granddaughter coming back to me, and last night's dream was about my daughter coming back to me. I know that God is sending me a message. I just don't know what that message is yet, but I have faith that it means something good since they are currently living in an abusive household.

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Artwork by VMarguarite at FanArtReview.com

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