Spiritual Poetry posted May 17, 2024 Chapters:  ...46 47 -48- 49... 

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Ryokan Poem

A chapter in the book 2024 Japanese Poetry

For My Heart

by Gypsy Blue Rose

fictional poem inspired by Mary Magdalene

for my heart

all I need is your relentless love

during day or night

hot or cold

for my hope

I simply need angel wings

to reach heaven with a kiss

and your hands to hold 

you awaken my soul

with your unconditional love

is it real? is it wrong?

I have fallen in love


you come to me

with eternal dawn and dusk

dew on the flowers

and wave tides


you arrive with the sound

of a gentle finch

a soaring heron

or a peaceful dove 




It is clear from the Gospels that Mary Magdalene had a great love for Jesus. She followed him as a disciple, ministering to him from her means (Luke 8:2-3), and had been with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and the other women when Jesus was crucified (Mark 15:40-41).

RYOKAN - Taigu Ryokan was born in northern Japan in 1785. He was a successful haiku poet. When he was eighteen years old Ryokan met the Zen Master Kokusen became a Buddhist monk. He wrote about nature and the way people related to each other. The rules are simple: free verse, any amount of syllables and lines. Doesn't rhyme. You may use any poetic device.

Thank you for reading my poem, have a fabulous weekend.


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