General Poetry posted May 13, 2024

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some historic examples

Who Is Greatest?

by jim vecchio


Obeying The Lord is our call
Forgetting self to His exaltation
Placing the sakes and hopes of others before our pride
Relegating to others the honor for which we strive

Who was the greatest? Cain or Abel?

God demands a sacrifice of blood

So how did He show it?
He was willing to offer His Son

How will you show it?
Abel’s sacrifice, willingly done
Of the two, who was the greatest one?

Who was mightier, Moses or Aaron?

We must obey using all that we have

Moses led but needed Aaron to speak
Could he have done it himself?
Aaron could openly; Moses was meek

Could Moses do God's will?
Moses performed miracles so unique
Though Aaron’s strength Moses did seek

Who was greatest? The disciples or Jesus?

Whosoever humbles himself is greatest

Jesus taught them of His Father’s passion
The disciples should have profited by it
But they reacted in jealous fashion
Putting egos above obedience
Each wanting more of His close attention
Their own vices they forgot to mention

We must abandon our petty strife

Never give in to envy

To be great we must diminish

Thus sharing our skills together for all

Competition writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a free verse poem on competition. Tell what it means to be competitive and why you love competition or not. Free verse is a form of poetry that does not necessarily follow to any specific meter patterns, rhyme, or any other pattern. Free verse, despite its freedom, often still has some elements of form. Most free verse does observe a convention of lines and structure. No rhyming patterns.
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